[医] 硷性结核菌素

  • Grading will be done in a scheduled group sessions supervised by the TA .

    评分将在 助教的指导下,在一个预定的小组会议中进行

  • Angiography and pathomorphological examination were carried out 30 days after TA .


  • The main work to do this is to set up a series of methods of getting sample exiting sample and making standard sample . An example for determining the rate of Ta . Ti content in the TiO_2-Ta_2O_5 mixing film has been given .

    本文介绍了采用原子发射光谱分析技术直接分析光学介质膜的新途径,建立了一套取样,激发和标样制备方法,测定了TiO2-Ta2O 5混合膜中 Ta Ti元素的含量比。

  • Part two personal pronouns Wo Ni and Ta .


  • Each problem set will be graded by a group of students with the guidance of your TA .

    每一个题组都会由一组在 助教指导下的学生进行评分

  • If in doubt about what counts as plagiarism or about how to properly reference a source consult the instructor or your TA .

    对于何谓抄袭行为或如何引用资料来源不清楚的同学,请向教师或 助教询问

  • In this paper the quasi-relativistic Hartree-Fock-Relativistic atomic structure code and the unresolved transition array model were used to calculate the dielectronic recombination rate and the electron-ion collisional excitation rate of two high-Z elements : Au and Ta .

    采用准相对论性Hartree-Fock-Relativistic方法与不可分辨跃迁组模型相结合,对Au和 Ta 元素的类Ni离子的双电子复合速率,以及Au元素类Cu离子的电子碰撞激发速率进行了计算

  • Submit your top three choices from the options to the TA .

    从选择中选出你最想要的三个,并提交给 助教

  • HMW glutenin subunits and genes in Ta . crinitum were investigated by using SDS-PAGE and PCR technology .

    利用SDS-PAGE分析、PCR扩增和序列测定与分析研究了长发带芒草( Taeniatherumcrinitum)的高分子量谷蛋白亚基及其基因。

  • PROFESSOR : So our technology TA is also our paper TA .

    教授:所以,我们的技术助教,也是我们的论文 助教

  • If you have any questions about your background or whether you are prepared to take this course please contact the TA .

    如果你有任何关于个人背景或个人是否适合上这门课,请与 助教联络

  • The heat treatment experiments of carbon fiber with Ta powder at 2300'C prove that TaC was formed by diffusion of C into Ta .

    炭纤维和Ta粉2300℃热处理实验表明,由于发生了C向 Ta中扩散而生成TaC

  • Therefore it is of significant meanings and practical application value to develop a new-type pneumatic gripper which has ta .

    因此,研究一种具有 触感和助力功能的新型气动手爪,具有重要的实际意义和应用价值

  • Please write a two-page answer to the following review questions by the appointed date and turn them in to your TA .

    请把下列三个指定题目各写成两页的报告并在指定的日期交给 助教

  • And most students have the middle level of TA few have the high and low levels of TA .

    数据结果表明:一、中国大学生学习英语的过程中,不同的学习者会有高中低不同程度的 模糊 容忍

  • The reason for this policy is to avoid in-a-hurry type of grading by the TA .

    这么做是为了避免 助教评分的时候过于匆忙

  • Thus far there have been no large clinical trials comparing the efficacy of TEM with TA .

    因此,截至目前,并没有大型研究比较TEM与 TA的疗效

  • In recent years the rapid increase of global PTA demand has propelled the continues development of PTA producing technology therefore it has become the main direction of research to seek more economic process or producing process of high purity TA .

    近年来全球对PTA的需求增长推动了PTA生产技术的不断发展,寻求更经济的生产工艺或高纯度 对苯二甲酸制造技术已经成为研究的主要方向

  • ADB officials reviewed the work of PPTA in a month analysis of issues that possible impact TA implement of next phase and further discussed implement schedule of TA .

    亚行官员主要检查了技援团一个月来所做的工作,分析了可能影响下一阶段技援实施的问题,并进一步讨论了技 工作实施进度表

  • Questions on grading should go first to your head TA .

    有关评分的疑问应首先向你的 助教 请教

  • Contents of Ta in slag and iron were measured by means of radioactive isotope ~ ( 132 ) Ta .

    渣铁中钽的测定是应用放射性同位素~(182) Ta 完成

  • Lightly grease all joints as demonstrated by your ta .

    按照 助教的示范,在所有连接处稍微涂上油脂

  • That way you get good access to the TA .

    那样你们能很好的联系 助教

  • Analyze and interpret ta .

    分析和解释 数据

  • We need to have a serious ta .

    我们需要谈点严肃 话题

  • You requested me as a ta . why ?

    为什么要求我当你的 训练

  • We left the show floor buoyed up by the reactions to TA .

    我们离开展会的时候,人们对《 横扫》的积极反应令人振奋