


  • Success was assured and at least to start with the system operated smoothly .

    成功有保证了,至少该 系统一开始运行得挺顺利。

  • He also deleted files from the computer system

    他还从计算机 系统里删除了文件。

  • The Chicago River flooded the city 's underground tunnel system

    芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道 系统

  • The system overheated and filming had to stop


  • The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system .

    闯入者打碎了一扇窗户进来,然后破坏了警报 系统

  • This is positively the last chance for the industry to establish such a system .

    这绝对是该产业建立这样一个 体系的最后机会了。

  • Every part of the system has a backup


  • Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals


  • He had slept for over fourteen hours and his system seemed to have recuperated admirably

    他已睡了超过14个小时了,他的 身体恢复得很不错。

  • The system worked perfectly .


  • All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system .

    这一切对刑事司法 制度产生了极坏的影响。

  • He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system .

    他是自由市场政策和多党派 制度的坚决拥护者。

  • This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer

    这个 系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。

  • The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system .

    重物通过缆绳和滑轮 系统运送。

  • These gases would seriously damage the patient 's respiratory system .

    这些毒气会严重损害患者的呼吸 系统

  • The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory .

    目前高等教育的经费 体制并不令人满意。

  • The new system is still in the planning stages .


  • The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information .

    国家癌症研究所现在拥有一套能迅速提供信息的电脑化 系统

  • The company invested thousands in an electronic order-control system

    公司耗资数千购买了一套电子订单管理 系统

  • These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system

    这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的 体制

  • I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life .

    我想结束拳击 生涯,安定下来享受家庭生活。

  • The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement .

    我们1980年引进的 系统有了很大改进。

  • The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle 's speed

    这个 系统提供车辆速度的电子读数。

  • The system wastes a large amount of water .


  • The town has already put in a proper sewerage system .

    小镇已经安装了合理的污水处理 系统

  • Certain guidelines can be given . First have a heating engineer check the safety of the system .

    可以提供一些指导原则:第一,找位供暖工程师检查 系统的安全性。

  • This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years .

    又恢复了旧时的 体制,王室就是在这种制度下接受了近300年的俸禄。

  • A report has pointed out the defects of the present system .

    一份报告指出了当前 体制存在的毛病。