


  • Conclusions At present the tabes dorsalis should be involved in the differentiation diagnosis for the deceases with the lesions of posterior roots dorsal columns and peripheral nerve . It is important for patients with age 40 ~ 60 years or whose nerve conduction velocity is normal .

    结论目前对于 定位脊髓尤其 )后根、后索以及周围神经病变的患者,尤其是年龄40~60岁、电生理 检查神经传导速度正常者,需要注意鉴别 脊髓

  • Methods We studied the clinical and laboratory data of 3 patients with tabes dorsalis retrospectively who were misdiagnosed during the last 3 years in / out hospital and the relevant literatures in the last 3 years were reviewed .

    方法结合文献报道病例,回顾性分析近3年在我院及院外误诊的3例 脊髓 患者的临床与实验室资料。

  • Results : Among the 7 cases there are 4 cases of meningovascular syphilis 1 case of general paresis 1 case of meningeal syphilis 1 case of tabes dorsalis .

    结果:7例患者中,脑膜血管型梅毒4例, 脊髓 1例,麻痹性痴呆1例,脑膜梅毒1例。