


  • The police found a vital clue to the girl 's disappearance in a wooded area near her home .

    警察在失踪女孩家附近的一个 树木的地方发现了一个至关重要的线索。

  • Nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia .

    非洲和亚洲南部 森林地带夜间活动形似獾的食肉动物。

  • The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded .

    交战地区丘陵起伏, 树木 茂密

  • The good times I shared with those other kids in that wooded patch are now just memories .

    我和其他那些孩子在那 树林 一同 度过的那些美好时光,现在只剩下一些记忆。

  • The village is surrounded by wooded hills .

    这个村庄被 树木 茂盛的小山环绕着。

  • On our left was a wooded hillside .

    我们的左边是一个 树木 丛生的山坡。

  • And we scoured the wooded hillside until we found the perfect Christmas tree .

    我们快步 来到 树林的山坡上,找到了一棵理想的圣诞树。

  • The trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area .

    树木 繁茂的大面积地区的树木和其他植物。

  • There is a house idyllically set in wooded grounds .

    这是一个诗情画意般的 林荫中的房子。

  • I can live almost anywhere it 's not too cold but I like wooded areas the best .

    只要不太冷的地方,我几乎都能居住,但是我最喜欢的 还是 森林地带。

  • It skidded off the runway and crashed into a heavily wooded gorge below .

    后来,飞机滑出跑道,撞上下面一个 树林 茂密的峡谷。

  • The hills ahead were not wooded .

    前面的小山 树木 稀少

  • Eagle Lake is visible from a wooded hill at Acadia National Park .

    从阿卡迪亚国家公园一个 树木的山丘能看到鹰湖(EagleLake)。

  • The steep and densely wooded terrain forces his tanks to stick to the narrow tracks .

    敌军 万万 料到他会 攻击阿登,其险峻又 树林 茂密的地形,逼得坦克 只能沿狭道前进。

  • We passed through miles of densely wooded country .

    我们穿过好几英里 茂密的林地。

  • At night-fall it grounded in shallow water at the foot of a wooded hill .

    到了傍晚,它搁浅在长满 树木的山脚下。

  • It consisted mostly of wooded hills and wooded valleys that of Sand Run among others .

    它主要包括 植被的山丘和山谷, 桑得·鲁恩便是其中的一个。

  • Koko lives in the Santa Cruz mountains in a wooded spot overlooking Silicon Valley .

    科科生活在圣克鲁斯山区一 能俯瞰硅谷的密林中。

  • The colony was in this huge wooded area that bordered a big pond .

    这个社区在一个大池塘边上的大片 树林里面。

  • They logged most of the trees in the wooded land .

    他们采伐了这个 林场的大部分的树木。

  • It was sparsely wooded and desolate .

    这里 树木稀少,荒无人烟。

  • Black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea .

    澳大利亚和新几内亚 林区的黑冢雉。

  • A brief climb along a nearby wooded trail brought us to a hilltop that faced west .

    沿着附近的一条 林间小径小爬了一会儿,我们来到了山顶,面西耸立着。

  • Vast forests a unique archipelago and thousands of lakes present a striking mixture of wooded hills and waters .

    广袤的森林、独特的群岛和数以千计的湖泊, 林木 繁盛的山丘与流域惊人地融为一体。

  • The Morrisons ' home stood on a wooded hilltop .

    莫里森家坐落在 林阴 环绕的小山顶上。

  • A house set on a wooded hillside .

    树木 丛生的山坡上的房子。

  • On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys towns of brick .

    在多岩石的山坡上有木制的小屋,而在 树木 繁茂的山谷有砖建的城镇。

  • At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds .

    最初 树木的山坡吸收了噪音。

  • The banks of the river are densely wooded .

    这条河的两岸密密麻麻的 树木

  • This area is densely wooded .

    这一地区 林木 繁密