tape glass

[tep ɡlæs][teip ɡlɑ:s]

[电] 玻璃包带

  • The painters put masking tape around the window frames to keep the paint off the glass .

    油漆工在窗框四周贴上防护 胶纸,以免 玻璃上沾染油漆。

  • If however the pitch of the noise changes when you press your hand on the glass you should use some insulating cellophane tape between the glass and the frame .

    然而,如果球场的变化,当你按下隔音玻璃贵手,你应该用一些玻璃纸 胶带绝缘 玻璃和框之间。

  • New sealing tape used for cavity glass basic materials for structural silicone sealant reaction mechanism and preparation are described .

    介绍新型中空 玻璃密封胶条,硅酮胶结构密封胶的基础材料,反应机理和制备过程。

  • Application : Suitable for BOPP adhesive tape glass paper tape and Kraft paper cloth tape .

    用途:适用于BOPP,牛皮纸胶带,美纹纸 胶带布基胶带。

  • Strips of tape covered the glass cabinets .

    一条条 胶带 玻璃箱上面。

  • Test method for the fiber adhesion of raised cloth : cellophane tape method Strips of tape covered the glass cabinets .

    起毛布的毛粘合试验法:玻璃纸带法一条条 胶带 玻璃箱上面。

  • He put mask tape round the edge of the glass while he painted the window frame

    他给窗框上漆时,用遮蔽 胶带玻璃边缘贴住