


  • These can conquer the obstacle of low efficiency of rule-based reasoning and the difficulty to gain knowledge and achieve the cooperation between the syllogistic reasoning ( rule-based reasoning ) and the inductive reasoning ( manual neural networks ) .

    克服基于规则推理效率低下,知识获取困难的障碍,实现 演绎推理(基于规则推理)和归纳推理(人工神经网络)的 有机配合。

  • For many difficult cases the use of syllogistic method appeared to be inadequate while the rhetorical argument provides a unique perspective and methods .

    对于许多疑难案件,运用 三段论方法显得力不从心,而修辞论证提供了一种独特的视角和方法。

  • The two determining criteria for the correctness of conclusion derived from syllogistic reasoning


  • Syllogistic reasoning is an important research field of reasoning in psychological study .

    范畴 三段论推理是心理学推理研究中的重要领域。

  • From the perspective of modem predicate logic syllogistic abductive reasoning can be converted into abductive reasoning in predicate logic .

    从现代谓词逻辑的角度看, 三段论溯因推理可以转化为谓词逻辑中的溯因推理。

  • At present the syllogistic criterion and the access + substantiality similarity two-step approach are principally employed in judging copyright infringement acts . The problem is that the divergence between the two approaches could lead to diverse verdicts .

    目前判定著作权侵权的两种最主要的方法是 三段论侵权判定法和接触+实质相似性两步法,但这两种方法存在一些不同之处,导致判决结果可能不一。

  • Third Taine 's syllogistic pure objective critique once was utilized by Mao Dun to revise Chinese traditional subjective literary criticism .

    再次, 丹纳的三 纯客观批评法曾被茅盾用以校正中国传统主观文学批评观。

  • A study on inter-individual differences for the development ability of adequate conditional syllogistic reasoning in 12 year-olds

    12岁儿童充分条件 假言推理能力发展的个体差异研究

  • The introduction of the administration of justice rhetoric proof method you can make up for deficiencies in the traditional method of syllogistic argument .

    在司法裁判中引入修辞论证方法,可以弥补传统 三段论论证方法的不足。

  • The logical forms of criminal psychology picture include the from-individual-to-general inductive pictures and from-general-to-individual syllogistic pictures .

    犯罪心理画像的逻辑形式,有从个别到一般的归纳式画像和从一般到个别的 演绎式画像。

  • People are influenced by many factors in syllogistic reasoning including internal factors ( individual difference ) and external ( tasks ) factors .

    人们在 推理过程中,受到许多因素的影响,大致可以分为内在(个体差异)因素和外在(任务)因素。

  • The ability of syllogistic reasoning correlated with the mathematical achievement and the levels of intelligence .

    这两 儿童 假言推理能力的 差异 可能跟智能水平有关。

  • Synchronously we try to adopt the syllogistic structure system to construct the systematic structure of the modern value theory of science-technology labor .

    同时,现代科技劳动价值论之理论体系试图采用 演绎结构体系来建构。

  • Studies on syllogistic reasoning in cognitive science as their core task the revelation of the involved mental and brain mechanisms .

    认知科学领域关于 三段论演绎推理的研究,核心任务是揭示其心理机制与脑机制。

  • The universality of the administration of justice openness fairness demands and syllogistic reasoning there is a natural fit combined with the rationalist thought driven by the codification activities judicial syllogism has gradually become the dominant mode of administration of justice .

    司法裁判普遍性、公开性、公正性的要求与 三段论论证方式有着天然的契合,加之在理性主义思潮驱动下的法典编纂活动,司法三段论逐渐成为主导性的司法裁判模式。

  • Two major paradigms about studying conditional inference are the syllogistic format and the selection task .

    条件推理主要有两种研究范式: 演绎形式( MPDAACMT)和变通形式 问题)。

  • This historical course assumes a syllogistic movement .

    这一历史过程表现为一个 的运动。

  • The syllogistic form is a universal form of all things .

    这种 推论的形式,是一切事物的普遍形式。

  • Comments structure of more conventional most ( comments represented - syllogistic sports event after - self positive view ) .

    评论的结构大部分也是较为传统的 三段论(评论由头-体育事件经过-自己的正面看法)。

  • It is different from existing logics by using a term-oriented language an experience-grounded semantics and a set of syllogistic inference rules .

    不同于现存的其它逻辑系统,它包含一个面向词项的语言、一个基于经验的语义学、和一组 三段论推理规则。

  • Therefore this article studies the dual processing theory using the terms of conditional inference and syllogistic reasoning under time pressure .

    因此,本文 引入时间压力这个 因素,采用条件推理和 范畴 三段论推理的研究范式, 实验的方法,来研究双重加工理论。

  • Composition teaching take the mode of syllogistic form on the whole a lot of students writing seems reassuring is set aside and not to say every sentence in the paragraph on cohesion and coherence in terms of great confusion .

    作文教学采取模式化的 三段论形式,从形式上看很多的学生作文似乎让人放心。但是就是抛开语病不说,段落中的每一句话却在衔接连贯层面存在很大的混乱。

  • The results of this research indicate that : ( 1 ) all subjects have no mature ability of syllogistic reasoning in this research ;

    研究结果表明:1、小三、小五与 初中年级 儿童关于 范畴 三段论的推理均未达到 范畴 三段论推理能力的成熟水平。

  • Semanteme and Characteristics of Propositional Calculus plus Syllogistic System

    命题演算加 三段论系统的语义与特征