switching table

[计] 开关表

  • The article introduces the direct power control ( DPC ) principle and constitution for three-phase boost-type PWM rectifiers and analyses switching table .

    介绍了三相电压型PWM整流器直接功率控制(DPC)系统的组成与原理,分析了 开关 的形成机理。

  • Centralized switching : Switching decisions are made on the route processor by a central forwarding table typically controlled by an ASIC .

    集中交换:用路由处理器生成的集中的 路由处理器,例如 使用ASIC。

  • This paper researches on the theory of direct power control ( DPC ) of three-phase PWM rectifier and adopts a switching table designed especially for the Bang-Bang control of the active and reactive power .

    研究了三相PWM整流器的直接功率控制(DPC)原理,结合一种专门设计的 开关 对有功和无功功率进行Bang-Bang控制。

  • It also replaces the traditional power control switching table by introducing of SVPWM algorithm to solve the problem that higher AD sampling frequency is needed if switching frequency is not fixed .

    采用SVPWM算法取代传统功率控制的 开关 ,解决了开关频率不固定,需要较高的AD采样频率等问题。

  • Based on the investigation of the influence of different vector to the torque variation the switching table is improved and optimized and take a flux and torque two-level switching table .

    同时研究不同电压矢量对转矩变化所产生的影响,在此基础上,进一步改进和优化 开关 ,使用磁链和转矩的双层滞环控制方案。

  • Three parts are involved : the hysteresis of torque and flux the optimal switching vector table and the motor model .

    DTC包括转矩和磁链的控制环节、最佳 开关矢量 和电动机模型3个基本环节。

  • The existing characteristic disadvantage and malfunction of the charging table with was analyzed when the rheostat starting system and drive control system of dynamic braking electronic switching circuit were applied on the charging table originally .

    分析上料 原来应用频敏变阻起动及带能耗制动电子 开关电路的驱动控制系统所存在的特性缺陷及故障问题。

  • A conventional switching table of permanent magnet synchronous motor direct torque control is used to train radial basis function neural network .

    利用系统中的 开关 作为导师对径向基函数神经网络控制器进行训练,实现了永磁同步电机直接转矩控制的径向基函数神经元网络输出矢量选择。

  • The design of the main circuit and its control system of the three-level voltage source PWM rectifier is conducted the experimental platform is established and the experiments of switching table DTC based on grid voltage orientation .

    本文设计了三电平电压型PWM整流器主电路及其控制系统,搭建了实验平台,对基于电网电压定向的 开关 直接功率控制进行了实验研究。

  • To design and realize a large scale video frequency switching network which is rearrangeable and nonblocking taking the video crosspoint switch as the basic switching unit a three stage nonblocking Clos network was constructed and the signal route was selected by a route table .

    设计和实现一个可重排无阻塞的大规模视频矩阵切换网络.基于多级互连网络,以视频交叉点开关作为基本的 交换模块,组成一个三级非对称 Clos网络。

  • The use of a multi layer neural network to emulate the traditional switching look up table method for induction motor direct torque control ( DTC ) obtaining optimal switching patterns is presented .

    提出了利用多层神经网络取代传统 开关状态 选择器在感应电动机直接力矩中的控制以获得最优的开关状态量的方法。

  • A Switching Table to Decrease Torque Ripple for the PMSM DTC Drives

    一种减小永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统转矩波动的 开关

  • Displaying performance data with PDI has many features for interacting with the displayed data switching between chart and table views data customization and more .

    显示性能数据时PDI有许多特性,包括与显示的数据交互,在图和 视图之间 切换,数据定制等。

  • The switching functions are selected in new power control switching table according to the position of source voltage space vector and input voltage space vector of rectifier required . This paper gives the design method of power controller and voltage controller .

    根据电源电压空间矢量位置和功率控制所需整流器输入电压空间矢量位置,在新的功率控制 开关 选择开关函数,给出了系统的功率控制器和电压控制器的设计方法。

  • A New Lookup Engine of L3 Switching Table

    一种新的层三 交换 查找引擎

  • The paper also studies the basic principle of direct torque control of induction motor based on the traditional switching table and compares the advantages and disadvantages of vector control and direct torque control . At the same time a DTC simulation model is built by MATLAB .

    本文还研究了基于传统 开关 的异步电机直接转矩控制的基本原理,比较了矢量控制和直接转矩控制的优缺点,同时在MATLAB中搭建了仿真模型。

  • This scheme uses a controller based on an adaptive NF inference system ( ANFIS ) together with a space voltage modulator to replace both the hysteresis comparators and the switching table .

    这种方案是用一个基于自适应模糊神经推理系统的控制器和一个空间电压调制器来取代滞环比较器和 开关

  • Whole scheme only needs 3 three-level comparators whose maximum switching frequency is limited and a corresponding voltage vectors selection table thus the realization is very simple and the adjustment of parameters is very convenient .

    整个方案仅需三个最高 开关频率受限的三电平比较器和相应的电压矢量选择 ,实现简单,参数调整方便。

  • Development of a Miniaturized Air-tightness Rectangular Waveguide-coaxial Converter A Switching Table to Decrease Torque Ripple for the PMSM DTC Drives

    小型气密矩形波导-同轴转换器的研制一种减小永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统转矩波动的 开关

  • Based on the mathematical model to examine the different effects for instantaneous power of each switch vector in the vector space a non-fixed 18 sectors dividing method with a novel switching vector table is proposed .

    基于数学模型,分别研究每个开关矢量在矢量空间中对瞬时功率的不同影响,提出了一种非固定18扇区矢量空间划分方法,基于这种划分方法提出了新的 开关矢量

  • For the three-phase PMSM direct torque control system this paper made a number of innovative theories including space vector selection and analysis determination of optimal switching table and the zero voltage vector switching table .

    对于双三相永磁同步电机直接转矩控制,提出了一些创新性的理论成果,其中包括对空间电压矢量的选择和分析,最佳 开关 的确定,以及零电压矢量开关表的提出。

  • This paper researches on the method of instantaneous power control to three-phase PWM rectifier based on DSP and proposes a new type of switching table .

    研究了基于DSP的瞬时功率控制方法在三相PWM整流中的应用,结合仿真建立了一种新型的 开关 状态

  • This paper expounds the necessity of rail sand table design and illustrates the design and switching mechanism which is safe and can be found a wide application in rail sand table .

    阐述了铁路沙盘设计的必要性,介绍了铁路 沙盘的道岔 控制 电路的设计和 动作原理。

  • After choosing the best type of neural network which represents the switching lookup table a suitable neural network configuration is deduced and then tested .

    在选定了代表 开关 状态 选择器的最优神经网络后,设计了神经网络结构图并进行了验证。

  • A new power control switching table is set up according to new dividing of input voltage space and resultant voltage space vectors .

    依据新的输入电压空间划分及合成空间矢量,确定了新的功率控制 开关

  • Meanwhile DC dynamic voltage drop during load current disturbance is decreased and stable voltage drop is eliminated by the duty cycle of square wave to control double switching table based on load current feedback .

    同时,在负载电流扰动时,通过负载电流反馈控制双开 转换信号的占空比,可减少直流动态压降或消除稳态直流压降。

  • If the table is a range clustered table ( that does not support row compression ) you can consider switching it to become a range partitioned table ( that supports row compression ) .

    如果表是一个范围集群表(不支持行压缩),可以考虑将其 变换为范围分区 (支持行压缩)。

  • In this paper a direct torque control system is proposed in MATLAB 6.1 environment and the design of an induction motor model and the switching table of inverter are described in detail .

    该文在MATLAB6.1环境下构造了一个直接转矩控制系统,另外对该系统的电机模型设计和逆变器 开关 选择 的实现作了较为详细的介绍。

  • This paper introduces a high performance flux observer and the switching table is also improved by using two-level torque and flux comparators .

    这里采用高性能的磁链观测器来准确观测磁链,并且采用转矩与磁链双层滞环比较器来优化改进 开关 选择