switching code


  • The Clock Domain Switching Techniques Based on Gray Code and Its Application

    基于Gray 的时钟域 切换技术研究及应用

  • This paper proposes a new optical switching technology optical code label burst switching or OC-LBS.

    一种新型光 交换技术-光 标签突发包交换技术。

  • 3-An Approach of Window Switching for Low Code Rate Audio Compression Coding

    一种低 码率音频压缩编码的窗 切换方法

  • Static Analysis tools that work on source are best served by switching to ruby_parser mostly because it doesn 't require code changes ( ruby_parser 's output is the same as ParseTree 's ) .

    如果只是对源代码进行静态分析,那么最好的选择就是 切换到rubyparser,因为你不需要更改任何 代码

  • As a result the M : N TCP switching protocol based on request packet is proposed . Then an implementation under Linux system is given . The code that I wrote works as a special module in Linux network kernel .

    本文接着给出了TCP switching协议及整个集群架构在Linux环境下的一个具体实现,所写 代码作为一个特殊TCP/IP处理模块加载到Linux网络内核中。

  • The Multimode Controller Based on Fuzzy Switching Programmable Controller code switching

    基于模糊 规则 切换的多模控制器

  • USC-2 requires no code page switching code extensions or code states .

    UCS-2不需要代码页 切换代码扩展或代码状态。

  • Code switching means two or more language varieties are used in one conversation .

    转换Code Switching)是指在同一次对话或交谈中使用两种甚至更多的语言变体。

  • The Influence of Task Difficulty on Focus Switching and the Activation of Focused Code

    任务难度对焦点 转换和焦点内 信息激活的影响

  • An SS / CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service . The uplink access method is based on CDMA the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM ) and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS ) .

    SS/CDMA系统能为多波束对地静止卫星的固定业务提供多址和交换功能,该系统上行接入采用CDMA,下行采用码分复用,星上 交换采用 分交换,整个系统采取按需分配控制。

  • Switching quickly back and forth between Java code and natives ( as indicated by timestamps ) can indicate the wrong boundary between Java code and natives leading to poor performance .

    在Java 代码与本机代码之前来回快速 切换(由时间戳指示)有时表示Java代码与本机代码之间的界限有误,从而造成性能较差。

  • However it is not possible to optimize a hardware context switch while there might be room for improving the current switching code .

    然而,不可能优化硬件上下文切换,而改进当前的 软件 切换 代码还有空间。

  • Histone Code code switching Part code copied jamming and distance deceiving jamming is valid .

    采用部分 复制干扰和距离欺骗干扰能对巴克码 信号产生有效干扰。

  • Switching to a CDN is a relatively easy code change that will dramatically improve the speed of your web site .

    切换到一个CDN是一种相对比较简单的 代码更改,将会大大改善您的网站上的速度。

  • One of the benefits of switching to a functional mindset is the realization that tests exist to check that changes occur successfully in code .

    转向函数式编程的好处之一是让人们意识到,测试的存在是为了检查 代码中成功发生的转变。

  • But there is a key difference between interrupt handling and process switching : the code executed by an interrupt or by an exception handler is not a process .

    然而在中断处理和进程 切换之间有一个关键的区别:由中断或异常处理执行的 代码不在进程中。

  • This paper analyzes code switching based on signal detection theory and manifests the internal relationships between code switching and signal detection theory .

    以信号察觉理论为切入点对语码 转换进行初步分析,呈现语 转换和信号察觉理论的内在关系。

  • Code switching the code is programmed with C ; The compilation and interpretation method is used to compile the Numerical Control ( NC ) code .

    采用编译加解释的方式处理数控代码的编译,在加工执行时,用较小的内存实现了从数控 代码到插补控制命令的 转换