symbol code

[ˈsɪmbəl kod][ˈsimbəl kəud]

[计] 符号代码

  • In the literary 1 w_2193 held out a new channel estimation base on the non-real-time communication system . This estimator will use the relativity between each symbol such as the parity check code construction .

    在文献1w_2227中提出一种在非实时通信系统充分利用消息之间相关特性的新信道估计方法,这种方法中 接收方需知道消息之间的结构,比如说纠错 结构。

  • To investigate the blind estimation of the symbol rate of a long code direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS ) signal an algorithm based on autocorrelation processing is proposed .

    针对长 直接序列扩频(DSSS)信号的 符号速率估计的难题,提出了基于相关处理的方法。

  • The code inside the braces to the left of the = > symbol identifies the names and types of the arguments ; the code to the right represents the implementation of the anonymous function being defined .

    字符到左侧花括号之间的代码表示参数的名称和类型,右侧的 代码表示定义的匿名函数的实现。

  • Based on the foundation theory of applied symbolic dynamics we get a practical method of chaos secret coding i.e. use the strange attractor of logistic map to produce the symbol secret key to modulate the source code .

    基于实用符号动力学的基础理论,提出了一种实用的混沌保密编码方法,该方法借助于单峰的logistic映射处于混沌吸引子状态时产生的 符号 序列 作为密钥,对信源 编码 信号进行加密。

  • Experiment on 2.5 Gbit / s symbol overlapping fast frequency-hopping optical code division multiple access ( SO-FFH OCDMA ) system with single user is designed and demonstrated .

    设计并实现了单用户、数据速率2.5Gbit/s的码位重叠快跳频光 码分多址SO-FFHOCDMA)实验系统。

  • You pass the before method an optional symbol and a code block .

    您向before方法传递一个可选的 标志和一个 代码块。

  • Experiment on 2.5 Gbit / s Symbol Overlapping Optical Fast Frequency-Hopping Code Division Multiple Access System

    2.5Gbit/s 重叠快跳频光 码分多址实验系统

  • The Eckasha is the Cap Stone Symbol or God Seed Code for the Time Matrix .

    艾卡萨是时间矩阵(TimeMatrix)的帽石 符号(theCapStone Symbol)或上帝种子 密码(GodSeed Code)。

  • This paper presents another algorithm of Huffman coding which removes tree pattern structure using an array to simulate the creation process of binary tree so as to obtain the depth of the symbol and then each symbol is assigned a code according to this information .

    本文给出了哈夫曼编码的另一种实现算法,该算法抛开树结构,用一个数组模拟二叉树的创建过程并得到符号的深度,然后根据这一信息为每个 符号分配 编码

  • After you rename or delete a symbol in your code it might continue to appear as an error node within a class view folder .

    代码中重命名或删除 符号后,该 符号可能仍然以一个错误节点的形式出现在“类视图”文件夹内。

  • Symbol is the code of human culture ; semiology behaves as the metalanguage of human culture .

    符号在深层 意义上是人类文化的源 代码,符号学便作为人类文化的元语言而发挥作用。

  • If I tried hard enough I would be able to decipher the symbol break the code cash the cheque and restore the map to the majestic lands that it represented .

    若下工夫的话,我就能解释这个 象征,破译这个 代号,兑换这张支票,恢复地图的本来面貌&它所代表的壮丽山河。

  • Imagine the2-dimensional image of a Eckasha Symbol Code as if the image is drawn on a black background on the inside of your forehead .

    想象一个2维的艾卡萨 符号 密码的影像,想象这个影像就绘制在你前额内的黑色背景上。

  • The symbol structure properties of the 2D bar code

    二维 条码 结构特性分析

  • Initial synchronisms of CDMA communication system receiver include PN code sync symbol sync frame sync sync of scramble code and so on .

    CDMA通信系统接收机的初始同步包括PN码同步、 符号同步、帧同步、和 扰码同步等。

  • By an analytical reading of the five symbol code among semiotics in The Sacred Crow we should change our thinking from the survival state in material world into the conflict of outlook choice in the mental world .

    通过对《神乌赋》的符号学五种 的解读,我们的思考将由物质世界的生存状态转义到精神世界中有关生存法则等价值观的冲突选择中去。

  • The symbol determines how often RSpec should execute the code block .

    标志确定RSpec执行 代码块的频率。

  • The compiler can store this directive in its symbol table and use it during the intermediate code generation phase .

    编译器可以将这个指示符存储在它的 符号表中,并在中间 代码生成阶段使用这个指示符。

  • These advertisements since modern metropolis some kind of symbol also is in the Zhang Ailing work cultural code either hidden or reveals is disclosing her cultural pulse condition and the cultural pursue .

    这些广告,既是现代都市的某种 象征,也是张爱玲作品中的文化 代码,或隐或显地透露着她的文化脉象和文化追求。

  • In the CI-OFDM technique each information symbol is sent simultaneously over all carriers and the each carrier for the symbol is assigned a corresponding orthogonal CI spreading code .


  • Symbol Based Circular State Turbo Code and its Decoder

    基于 符号的循环状态Turbo 及其解码器

  • Chapter four starts from semantics of the system of visual symbols of Beijing Opera masks analyzing its symbol types 、 semantics and semantics ' formation & semiotic code .

    第四章从京剧脸谱视觉符号系统的语义入手,对京剧脸谱视觉 符号的类型、语义、以及语义的生成&符 进行了分析。

  • Firstly by analyzing the characteristics of source code and object code the architecture of compiling and interpreting system which includes morphology / syntax analysis semantic analysis error handling symbol table manager and object code generation was presented .

    通过分析源代码、目标代码的特点,提出了由词法/语法分析、语义分析、错误处理、 符号表管理及 代码生成五个阶段构成的编译解释系统体系结构。

  • Artistic language is a symbol system which uses symbol code of general language and also has its own system .

    艺术语言象科学语言一样也是一种符号系统,是借用科学语言的 符号 编码,同时,又自成一套符号系统,所以,艺术语言的 符号系统具有 二重性

  • In order to avoid such problems as symbol sliding phase shift of pseudorandom noise code and carrier phase offset an improved method of frequency offset estimation is proposed .

    为避免采样频率偏差给卫星导航接收机带来的 符号 滑动、伪随机噪声 相位移动和载波相位偏差等问题,提出了一种改进的频率偏差估计方法。

  • Methods : Using Yin and Yang as the code of symbol and the binary digit code of computer to compose and rebuild the theory of TCM based on life encoding .

    方法:以中医阴阳为中医的编码 符号,用计算机01数字 语言,从生命编码角度解构和重建中医理论。

  • Rules for drafting symbol and code standards


  • Firstly researches and analyses the technology of the compiler and designs the overall scheme of ECMA interpreter based on the way of interpreting once which puts morphological analysis symbol table syntactic analysis semantic analysis and code together .

    首先研究分析了编译器的技术,设计了ECMA解释器的总体方案,即采用语法驱动的一遍解释的方法把词法分析、 符号表、语法分析、语义分析、 代码 生成组合在一起。

  • Subsequently we propose the application of particle filtering techniques to a challenging problem of joint symbol detection code delay and channel coefficient estimation for the chaotic spread spectrum DS-CDMA system in multipath fading . The system can be formulated as dynamic state space models .

    在此基础上,深入研究了粒子滤波在多径衰落环境下混沌扩频 DS-CDMA通信系统中的实际应用,即:首先通过分析建立混沌扩频DS-CDMA通信系统的动态状态空间模型;