The society and schools should adopt unanimous measures to check the further spread of sycophantic and popular cultures .
媚俗文化的 泛滥对学生 个性 发展 具有 极大 的 负面 影响,社会与学校教育都应统一制订相应的措施来制止 媚俗文化的进一步泛滥。
He hadn 't expected an assistant as sycophantic as this one .
他从来没有料到会有这么一个 阿谀奉承的助手。
Today Sycophantic and popular cultures are popular Violence Aesthetics become an important subject in the research of film culture .
在 媚俗文化盛行的今天,暴力美学更是电影文化研究中的重中之 重。
A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble .
充满野心勃勃、 阿谀谄媚 之人的庞大、腐败的官僚机构,既搞工作也搞麻烦。
Don ` t be sycophantic no matter how much you love his money .
无论你多么爱慕他的钱财,也不要 阿谀奉承。
If he 's drinking with his mates he would be unlikely to welcome approaches from outside the group unless sycophantic and ego-enhancing .
如果他跟同伴一起,他一般不欢迎陌生人的接近,不过如果你会拍 马屁的话那就另当别论。
We heard the sound of sycophantic laughter .
我们听到了 谄媚的笑声。