xanthoma cells

[医] 黄瘤细胞

  • Condyloma accuminatum has prominent koilocytosis in the upper epidermis that is not found in verruciform xanthoma . There is vacuolization and dissolution of epidermal cells along the basal layer along with lymphocytes .

    尖锐湿疣在上表皮可见明显的 挖空细胞,无泡沫细胞的聚集。在基底层有上皮 细胞的空泡形成或溶解,并伴淋巴细胞浸润。

  • ISH testing failed to detect HPV ( types 6 ) in any of the three cases of verruciform xanthoma . MMP - 2 MMP - 9 showed positive staining in epithelial cells and foam cells .

    原位杂交检测显示HPV(6、11、16、18)均为阴性, MMP-2、MMP-9在黏膜 上皮和间质的部分泡沫细胞呈阳性表达。

  • The hallmark xanthoma cells deposited in the papillary dermis between the rete ridges .

    真皮乳头层内 上皮 黄色 细胞泡沫 细胞浸润