


  • But the circumstance was sufficient to lead him to select Tess in preference to the other pretty milkmaids when he wished to contemplate contiguous womankind .

    但是这情形已经足以使他在希望 观察 身边 这些 女性时,选择 苔丝而宁愿放弃别的漂亮女孩子了。

  • She has brought disgrace upon womankind .

    她的 行为女性蒙羞。

  • In it are brought together all the thoughts and feelings the triumphs and defeats the sympathy and the cruelty of womankind .

    在这 画中,集中了 女性的所有思想和感情、胜利和失败、热情和 冷酷

  • Sheldon : Is it because of the conflict that arises from your desperate need to pair-bond with a woman and the apparent collective decision of all womankind to deny you that opportunity ?

    谢尔顿:是不是因为你极度渴望与女人交配,而所有 女人出奇一致地拒绝你,这两者之间的矛盾让你沮丧。

  • So he allowed his mind to be occupied with her deeming his preoccupation to be no more than a philosopher 's regard of an exceedingly novel fresh and interesting specimen of womankind .

    因此他 只好容许她在他的思想中存在,认为自己这种专注的 心情 不过是一个哲学家对一个极其新颖、 艳丽和有趣的妇女 典型 关注 而已

  • In the thesis we make womankind in Song Dynasty as subject researched investigates them from the view of sorcery culture and has a discussion from the aspects of marriage and child-rearing body and diseases .

    本文以宋代 女性为研究对象,将其置于巫文化视域下进行 检视,从 婚育、身体、疾病等方面进行探讨。

  • It had dawned upon me that I have never placed a proper valuation upon womankind .

    我这才觉得,我一向不曾对 女性 给以应有的估价。

  • In her latest book she discusses the menopause which is a subject that concerns all womankind .

    她在自己最新的一本书中讨论了更年期这个与所有 妇女都有关系的问题。