wood grain

[wʊd ɡren][wud ɡrein]


  • Digital Wood Cross grain Compression Testing System

    数字化 木材 横纹压缩试验测试系统

  • Effect of application of N P K fertilizer on wood density and shrinkage and its change had close relation with kind of fertilizer amount applied position of the tree directions of wood grain and air-dry or absolute-dry status .

    ()、、施肥对木材密度和干缩率的影响及其变化程K2NPK度,与肥种、施肥量、树干部位、 木纹方向、气干或全干状态有关。

  • A New Test Method for Shear Strength Parallel to Wood Grain


  • The tight layering of the cards creates a brilliant striped pattern and as Shaheen notes the different shades of yellow resemble wood grain .

    卡片之间的层次很紧凑,于是看起来有了漂亮的条纹结构,另外,就像Shaheen说的,卡片上黄颜色的阴影看起来类似 木质 纹理呢。

  • Apply a thin coat evenly and thoroughly with stiff quality brush or cloth along wood grain on clean dry surface .

    使用硬毛刷或抹布,在清洁干燥的 木材表面,沿 纹理方向,均匀涂刷薄薄一层。

  • The varnish was made to imitate wood grain . Black-lacquered Sutra Case Inlaid with Floral and Bird Designs in Mother-of-pearl

    油漆刷出来像 木纹。花鸟纹嵌螺钿黑漆经箱

  • Wood has grain and the grain in this direction could be very different from the grain in this direction .

    木头上有 纹路,这个方向,纹路和这个方向,大不相同。

  • And the wood was found to be heterogeneous orthotropic material its mechanical properties with the stress direction of wood grain and the angle between different there is a great difference .

    又木材被认为是非均质正交各项异性材料,其力学性能随着应力方向和 木材 纹路之间的夹角不同,存在着很大的差异性。

  • We 're not sure of the unusual'stone'finish in place of the usual wood grain however this is purely subjective .

    我们不能确定的不寻常的'石头'完成,以取代通常的 木纹,不过这纯粹是主观的。

  • Computer Vision System of Tectonics Feature Design in the Course of Wood Cross - Grain Compression

    木材 横纹压缩过程构造学计算机视觉系统构建

  • A Study on Strengthening the Wood Surface Grain

    木材表面 纹理强化 工艺的研究

  • Through selecting the using amount of wood grain agents and lubricants in matrix resins as well as the processing conditions the wood grain of PVC based wood / plastic imitation wood materials were studied by using a single screw extruder and a double screw extruder .

    通过调整 木纹剂与基体树脂中润滑剂的用量、加工工艺条件以及利用单、双螺杆挤出机对PVC基木/塑仿木型材的木纹进行了研究。

  • I sat on the floor fingered the wood grain and found a winding avenue through it .

    我便坐在地上用手摸地板上的 木纹,只见一条路线蜿蜒其中。

  • This wood has a beautiful grain .

    木头 纹理很好看。

  • These are the results of the comprehensive effect of the differences of heat conductivity and permeability of wood with different grain distributions .

    这是不同 木纹分布下 木材导热性能及透气性的差异之间综合作用的结果。

  • The product by high quality MDF took the base material uses import wood grain Boeing software .

    产品以高品质的MDF作为基材,采用进口 木纹波音软件。

  • Do not contact us unless you can produce these poles with a wood grain finish as in the photo .

    不要联系我们,除非你能产生与照片的 木纹完成这些极点。

  • Wood grain printing cylinders is our most competitive product that is occupying a leading position in china .


  • General electrostatic powder coating spray polyester paint or imitation wood grain painting its color can be chosen at random according to design needs .

    表面涂层一般粉末静电喷涂、聚酯漆或者仿 木纹喷涂,其颜色可根据设计需要任意选定。

  • The company has mold design and manufacturing casting extrusion anodizing electrophoretic coating powder coating wood grain transfer printing thermal bridge and other full production capacity .

    公司具有模具设计制造、熔铸、挤压、阳极氧化、电泳涂漆、粉末喷涂、 木纹转印、隔热断桥等全套生产能力。

  • Study on Dyeing of Main Chemical Ingredients in Wood and Its Effects on Wood Grain

    木材主要化学成分的染色及其对 木材 纹理的影响

  • Effect of Wood Grain Direction on Acoustic Emission during Routing

    木材 纵横向切削过程中的声发射特性

  • The existing models for gas permeability of softwoods only considered the connection of the pores in one direction of wood grain or two directions .

    以往关于针叶树材气体渗透的模型或理论,只考虑 针叶树 内气体渗透通道在1个或2个方向上的连接。

  • According to customer demand can be carried out on the plate surface fluorocarbon coating polyester paint spraying imitation wood grain and powder coating color can be chosen at random .

    根据客户需求,可对面板进行氟碳喷涂、聚酯漆喷涂、仿 木纹及粉末喷涂,色彩可随意选定。

  • S The technology and formulation for wood - grain extrusion product are introduced .

    介绍一次性挤出 木纹产品的工艺与配方。

  • The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype and inhibit square space pattern the beauty is generous .

    浮筒系统A方位标志钢板表面具有典雅清晰的 木纹浮雕,并压制方格图案,美观大方。

  • The mix & match of green and dark wood grain is always in .

    新鲜草绿色与深色 木纹,时尚混搭永不落伍。

  • The board strips produced were light in weight tough and flexible in nature and had a marvellous wood grain feeling in different patterns . 3 .

    制成的复合板条既轻且强韧,并带有令人惊讶之 木理感触。

  • Study on the tectonic shape characteristics in the compress process of realizing wood grain by using digital image control techniques

    基于数字图像处理技术实现 木材 横纹压缩过程中构造学形态特征的研究