
[医] 黄[单胞]杆菌属

  • Establishment of Cell Surface Display System Based on INP N-domain of Xanthomonas and Its Preliminary Application

    基于 冰核蛋白N端表面展示体系的建立及初步应用研究

  • This use of xanthan gum produced by Xanthomonas campestris represents a large potential market for this microbial product .

    油菜 杆菌产生的黄原胶,经使用表明这种微生物产品拥有巨大的潜在市场。

  • Detection and identification of Xanthomonas hyacinthi by real-time fluorescent PCR

    利用实时荧光PCR技术检测 风信子黄腐病菌

  • An On-line Gauge for Ash Content of Paper ( 2 ) The pathogens were Xanthomonas campestris and Botrytis cinerea .

    纸张灰份在线测量仪(2)初步确定油豆角贮藏期间的致病菌是野油菜 杆菌( Xanthomonascampestris)和菜豆灰霉病病菌(BotrYtiscinerea)。

  • There are some differences between Xanthomonas and Pseudomonas .

    已知 效应 特征与假单胞菌相比则有些差别。

  • The fermentation medium of J-12 ( Xanthomonas campestris ) was studied with mono-factorial experiments and orthogonal design .

    分别用单因素法和正交试验法对野油菜 J-12的发酵培养基成分进行研究。

  • As for against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Xanthomonas maltophilia were the same as other antibiotics in the study .

    对肺炎链球菌和嗜 麦芽 的抗菌活性同本次所研究的所有对照药。

  • Microarray analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae gene expression profiling during infecting rice

    用基因芯片技术分析水稻白叶 病菌侵染过程的基因表达图谱

  • At first Select breeding of Xanthomonas campestris strain A-1 Xanthan .

    首先对产黄原胶的 油菜 菌A-1进行选育。

  • The separate method of producing colloid gene XanA from Xanthomonas campestris was promoted in this thesis .

    本文主要建立了野油菜 产胶 XanA基因的分离方法。

  • Objective To investigate the antimicrobial resistance of57 strain xanthomonas maltophilia from lower respiratory tract infection so as to provide reference for reasonably selection of antibiotics .

    目的分析57株嗜 麦芽 下呼吸道感染的相间性和耐药性况,探讨嗜麦芽 引起下呼吸道感染的防治措施。

  • Functional Genomic Analysis in Pathogenicity of Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv . oryzae ; Relationship between RAPD Genotype and Pathotype of Rice Sheathe Blight Fungi ( Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA ) in Guangdong Province

    水稻白叶 病菌致病性功能基因组学分析广东水稻纹枯病菌RAPD基因型与致病型关系

  • Identification of rpfA gene of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae

    水稻白叶枯病 编码顺乌头酸酶的 rpfA基因的鉴定


    几种杀菌剂对马铃薯疮痂病菌的室内毒力6种杀菌剂对番茄 疮痂病菌的抑制作用

  • Research on chemic and physical property of yellow pigment of Xanthomonas campestris

    甘蓝 黄色素理化性质的研究

  • Cloning of Resistance-related Gene Fragments Induced by Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae

    水稻受白叶 病菌诱导抗性相关基因片段的克隆

  • Sequence comparison revealed that the gene in Xanthomonas is relatively conservative .

    序列比较显示,该基因在 中是相对保守的。

  • Conclusion Xanthomonas maltophilia is an important bacteria causing nosocomial infection .

    结论嗜 麦芽 是引起医院感染的重要细菌。

  • Benzothiadiazole-induced Systemic Acquired Resistance in Rice Against Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae

    苯并噻二唑诱发水稻对白叶 病的系统获得抗性

  • Mutagenesis and Phenotypic Analysis of the Type ⅳ Secretion System in Xanthomonas Campestris ; A Study on Technology Strategy of High-duty Diesel Engine for China ⅳ and Emission Limitation

    油菜 Ⅳ型分泌系统突变及表型分析我国重型柴油机国Ⅳ及未来阶段排放控制技术路线选择分析研究

  • Twelve strains with different pathogenicity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae were tested .

    测试了12个致病力不同的 Xanthomonasoryzaepv。

  • DNA Microarray Expression Analysis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae in Rice Leaves at Early Infection Stages Using Selective Bacterial Transcript Labeling with Genome-Directed Primers

    应用GDPs转录物标记法进行水稻白叶 病菌早期侵染表达谱分析

  • The fermentation conditions of Xanthomonas Campestris and separation technique of xanthan gum was introduced .

    探讨了用野生油菜 发酵生产黄原胶的发酵条件及其提纯分离的技术。

  • Objective It is to investigate the clinical characteristics of nosocomial pneumonia due to Xanthomonas maltophilia and its drug susceptibility .

    目的探讨医院获得性嗜 麦芽窄食单胞菌肺炎的临床特点及药物敏感性。

  • Characteristics of Hydrogen Peroxide Release from Xanthomonas campestris pv . phaseoli

    野生型油菜 的过氧化氢释放特性

  • Phenomenon and mechanism of depression of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae multiplication in incompatible rice suspension cell line

    在水稻悬浮细胞系中非亲和白叶 病菌繁殖受到抑制的现象及其机理的研究

  • A rapid approach in the genomic DNA extracting from the Xanthomonas campestris was promoted in this paper .

    本文建立了一种野油菜 Xanthomonascampestris)基因组DNA的简便快速提取方法。

  • Bacterial leaf streak ( BLS ) in rice is an important disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv .

    由稻 稻生 致病 变种 Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzicola,Xoc)引起的水稻细菌性条斑病是我国水稻生产上一种重要的细菌病害。

  • Construction and Characteristic Analysis for the hrpX / hrpG Gene Knock-out Mutant of Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv . oryzae

    白叶枯病菌 hrpX/hrpG双基因敲除突变体的构建及特性研究

  • Speculate the clp gene has effected on virulence flagella and chemotaxis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae .

    推测clp基因与水稻白叶 病菌的毒力,鞭毛活动能力和趋化性相关。