
[电] X棒

  • It first introduces the research achievement of former scholars such as Jespersen Quirk Radford etc. and then expounds on some relevant theories including X-bar theory checking theory movement theory speech act theory and pragmatic presupposition .

    文章首先介绍了前人的研究成果,如Jespersen,Quirk,Radford等对疑问性if/whether-分句差异的研究,然后阐述相关的理论,包括 X-bar理论、核查理论、移动理论、言语行为理论和语用预设理论。

  • The investigations go first from macro perspectives : the X-bar theory theta theory D-structure S-structure and logical form then to some micro perspectives such as the DP hypothesis coordinate constructions double-object constructions resultative constructions and the Minimalist Program .

    考察范围包括从宏观的 X- 理论、格理论、D-结构、S-结构、逻辑式到微观的限定词组假设、并列结构、双宾语结构、结果结构与最简方案在内的十个方面。

  • An X-bar theory approach to the DP hypothesis

    X- 理论分析DP假说

  • This paper has developed a vehicle rear axle specialized testing equipment not only has the measurement functions measurement data can also be processed to X-bar and R-control chart carried out CPK ( Process Capability Index ) calculation .

    本文研制的汽车后轴专用检测设备不但具有测量功能,还能够对测量数据进行处理,完成均值极差图绘制、进行 CPK(制程能力指数)计算等功能。

  • DOUBLE BAR : The average of the X-Bar data .

    双柱 X- 数据的平均值。

  • A word sense disambiguation based on X-bar

    基于 X 结构的词义选择

  • X-bar theory ( or X ' theory ) is one of the essential theories adopted in Chomsky 's Transformational Generative Grammar .

    X 理论(即X′理论)是乔姆斯基TG理论体系中的一个重要理论。

  • Syntactic Features and Applications of Small Phrases in X-bar Theory

    X 理论 框架下小词组的句法特征及实用价值