tangential strain

[tænˈdʒɛnʃəl stren][tænˈdʒenʃəl strein]


  • In this study strain process of three varieties was analyzed results showed that : 1 . Centripetal force and tangential force or centrifugal force and tangential force could be used as a strain analysis method .

    通过3个品种的胁变过程的分析,表明:1.用向心力和切向力或离心力和 力进行胁 分析是可行的。

  • The tangential residual stress of the external surface of the autofrettage tubes was measured by X rays . According to the model which includes the strain hardening after reverse yielding and regards Bauschinger ' effect the calculation method of elastic strength pressure was presented .

    对自增强圆筒进行X射线外表面 残余应力测量,在模型考虑材料反向屈服后的强化现象和 鲍辛格效应影响的基础上,给出了自紧圆筒强度的计算方法。

  • This model is not only able to capture the normal / tangential coupling effect but also can account for the roles of the inclined mechanical force and the substrate strain .

    本模型的优点是不仅考虑了法向- 耦合作用,而且包括了倾斜外力和横向基底 应变的影响。

  • According to the analySis a dynamic initiation fracture criterion - maximum tangential strain theory is put forward .

    据此提出最大 应变理论作为动态起裂准则。

  • Through analyzing tangential strain of three areas it found out that neutral layer of strain move entad but the displacement is not equal in each radial section .

    在对三个区域的 应变作了较为详细的分析讨论后,提出了应变中性层虽向内移动,但其内移量在各径向剖面内是不相等的这一说法。

  • According to the finite element analysis of orthogonal and tangential opening tubing region on pressure vessels the stress distribution of vessel connection tube and their connection region are obtained and the field testing is done with technology of strain gage .

    根据对压力容器正交和 开孔接管区进行的有限元分析,获得容器筒体、接管及其连接部位的应力分布结果,利用电阻 应变测试技术进行现场测试。

  • Both the tangential modulus and secant modulus are exponential with axial strain .

    松散岩块的 切线模量和割线模量均与轴向 应变呈指数相关性。

  • With the MC dropping from 30 % to 0 % the tangential strain is increased by 8 % to 9 % the longitudinal one 's increase is less than 1 % . At the same time the strain difference is increasing in the process .

    含水率从30%降到0%, 应变增加8-9%,纵向 应变增加不到1%,应变差异不断增加。

  • The pumping induced tangential strain mainly displays compression property its magnitude decays rapidly along with radius from the well increasing and increases exponentially along with pumping time increasing .

    应变主要表现为 挤压,且其 应变大小随半径增大迅速衰减,随时间增长呈指数增大。

  • Centripetal force and tangential force or centrifugal force and tangential force could be used as a strain analysis method .

    用向心力和切向力或离心力和 力进行胁 分析是可行的。

  • Generally the maximum tangential compressive strain was 2 ~ 4 times of vertical and radius-orientation direction .

    最大压 应变一般为同一监测层位竖向、径向最大压 应变的2~4倍。

  • Influence of process parameters on tangential strain in tube spinning

    筒形件强旋工艺参数对 金属 流动的影响

  • The maximum tangential compressive reaches 2 221 με which is about 76.6 % of the ultimate compressive strain within safe status .

    在龙固副井施工中,井壁环 最大压应变达2221με,约为极限压 应变的76.6%,处于安全状态。

  • In this paper the effect of decoupling charge in smooth blasting on maximun tangential stress relative strain amplitude the peak value of kine - tic strain and the expansion of crack formed by blasting has been expounded .

    文中叙述了不偶合装药在光面爆破中的作用,如对最大 应力、相对 应变幅值、动应变峰值和爆破裂隙扩展等的影响。

  • Through the numerical simulation of extruding-burring process factors such as the variation regulation of tangential strain and height of central boss with extruding stroke were analyzed .

    通过对挤出翻边成形过程的数值模拟,分析了 应变和凸起部高度等参数随挤出行程的变化规律。

  • The predicting of large deformation in the tunnel has been given by using of two effective measures of forecasting-geological and complex forecast method and tangential strain predicting method . The result is that the probability of large deformation in this tunnel is non-existent .

    运用地质综合分析预测、 应变预测两种方法对雪峰山隧道的大变形问题进行了预测,预测结果表明,雪峰山隧道不会出现大变形问题。