tank field

[化] 罐区

  • Coating material of epoxy coal tar has been prolonged in the fields of corrosion protection for long distance pipeline metal storage tank and oil field facilities .

    环氧煤沥青涂料用于长输管道、金属 储罐以及 油田设备防腐经久不衰。

  • Measures for raising efficiency of fish in water tank on the field

    提高 地头 水柜养鱼效益的技术措施

  • In addition we also observed that 50 % of COD was removed in the liquid storage tank of the refuse field by the anoxic degradation during certain duration .

    同时发现渗沥液在填埋 渗沥液贮存 中经历了一定程度的厌氧降解过程,使COD达到50%的去除率。

  • These years people begin to aware of the security in the oil tank field the control automatization and modernization of management develop at a good pace . But the development can not still satisfy the requirement of the yielding safety and quality .

    近几年,随着人们对罐区安全认识的提高, 罐区控制自动化和管理现代化有了相当大的发展,但是还远不能满足生产的安全和质量的需要。

  • Aiming to solve the corrosion problems of water injection sewage system and oil tank in oil field 8701 type coating cured at ordinary temperature is developed .

    针对 油田注水、污水系统及原油 储罐所遇到的腐蚀问题,研制出了8701常温固化防腐涂料。

  • Flash separate tank application in JingBian gas field

    闪蒸分 在靖边 气田集气站的应用

  • The model comprehensively describes the distributed parameter effect in tank and is valuable in tank pressurization simulation field .

    模型全面考虑了贮箱内的分布参数效应,适用于 增压计算 领域

  • In this paper the effect of draft-tube on flow field was studied in detail by using laser-Doppler velocimetry in the vessel of 0.5 m in diameter . The effects of geometry parameters of the draft tube tank on the flow field has also been analyzed .

    本文利用激光多普勒测速技术,在直径为0.5m的搅拌槽中,详细的研究了导流筒对搅拌 内流场的影响,并分析了导流筒-搅拌 体系 结构参数变化对 流场的影响情况。

  • Numerical Simulation on the Influential Effects of Even-arranged Coaxial Degaussing Coils on Tank 's Magnetic Field

    同轴均匀消磁线圈对 坦克 磁场影响效应的数值模拟

  • It is very important to carry on effective control in the chemical tank field to raising management level reducing the workers ' labor intensity improving working condition avoiding the accident etc.

    对化工 罐区进行有效的监控对提高管理水平,降低工人的劳动强度,改善工人的工作条件,避免事故的发生等等方面具有十分重要的意义。

  • Apply of Waste Residue from Municipal Biogas Tank to Field

    城镇净化沼气 残渣 还田处理试点研究

  • The utility model discloses a built-in electrothermal tray type specific gravity vacuum degassing tank belonging to the technology field of vacuum oil purifier .

    本实用新型公开的一种内置电热盘式比重真空脱气 属于真空净油机技术 领域

  • 3-D Numerical Calculation Research of Tank Exhaust Airflow Field

    坦克排气 流场三维数值计算研究

  • The reformation of spraying control system of fire fighting about the sphere tank field

    球罐 消防喷淋控制系统的改造

  • The main design points on fire fighting water supply and drainage in LPG underground tank field are summarized and the matters needing attention in the design are discussed .

    总结了液化石油气地下 储罐 的消防给水与排水的设计要点,讨论了设计中应注意的问题。

  • Discussion of Fire-fighting Design of LPG Tank Field

    液化石油气 储罐 消防设计的探讨

  • Application and promotion of tank mechanical cleaning technology in oil field

    油罐机械清洗技术在 油田的应用与推广

  • Giant Pump Station Front Tank Two-dimensional Nonsteady Flow Field

    大型泵站前 非定常平面流态 模拟

  • The popular method to keep working condition constant used in most experimental apparatuses is to place a high-precision constant temperature water tank outside of the flow field .

    目前文献中的作法一般是采用高精度的 恒温水域,但系统复杂、控制精度受限制。

  • Design on Layout of Liquid Hydrocarbons and Flammable Liquid Tank Field

    液化烃和可燃液体 平面布置设计规范

  • Sloshing Responses of Liquid Vibration in Axisymmetric Rigid Tank at Low-Gravity Field

    微重力 状态下旋转对称刚性 容器中液体的晃动响应

  • Design on Fire Fighting Water Supply and Drainage in Tank Field

    地下 LPG 储罐 的消防给水及排水设计

  • The application of a new digital tank field supervisory device in oil bulk plant is introduced .

    介绍了一种新型全数字式 罐区监测装置在油库自动计量中的应用。

  • The fiber optic sensing and control technology is introduced to test the liquid level of the oil tank in the oil field united station .

    将光纤传感技术引入 油田联合站,解决原油 储罐液位检测和报警、 储罐负压检测和报警、原油流量检测和信号远传、三相分离器油、水液位检测与信号远传。

  • The utility model relates to a palm fruit yeast-killing tank which belongs to the technical field of palm fruit oil processing devices .

    棕榈果束刹酵 ,属于棕榈果制油设备技术 领域

  • With the progressive development of the petrochemical industry the requirement of the monitoring automatization in the oil tank field is higher and higher .

    随着石化行业的不断发展,对于油品 罐区监控管理的自动化程度要求越来越高。

  • The new scheme has a good agreement with tank and field data .

    该方案与 水槽 模拟 实测数据的一致性很好。

  • With its great firepower and thick armor it proved to be more than an opponent for any tank the allied forces could field .

    它凭借强大火力和厚装甲在盟军 坦克没能有任何对手。

  • Based on paper 1 w_1093 this paper further studies sloshing responses of Liquid in axisymmetric rigid tank at low-gravity field . The calculation formulae of liquid sloshing responses are deduced .

    在文1w_1123的基础上,本文进一步研究了微重力 状态下旋转对称刚性 容器中液体的晃动响应问题,导出了液体晃动响应的计算公式。