teachers' day


  • Speech at the Celebration of the 25th Teachers ' Day and the Forum of Education with Humanistic Love

    在第25个 教师 庆祝大会暨大爱育人论坛上的讲话

  • We celebrate Teachers ' Day every year in honour of teachers .

    为了向老师表达敬意,我们每年庆祝 教师

  • Teachers possess a variety of knowledge but when teachers ' other knowledge is over-stressed their academic knowledge their most fundamental knowledge as teachers is in danger of being weakened day by day .

    教师具有多种知识基础,在日益强调 教师其他方面知识的作用的同时,作为教师最根本的知识&学科知识在现实中有 日益被弱化的危险。

  • Teachers ' Day comes on September10th every year .

    每年的九月十日是 教师

  • Teachers ' day is coming you 're so hard !

    教师 来了, 老师您辛苦了!

  • I am not your best student but you are my best teacher . On this Teachers ' Day I respectfully pay you my highest tribute .

    我并非是您最出众的学生,但您是我最好的老师。在 教师 ,我向您敬献一份崇高的敬意。

  • Teachers ' professional development of quality school pays attention to day-to day living spurring teacher professional development in daily living context .

    优质学校 教师专业发展的价值取向关注 教师 日常生活,使教师在日常生活情境中促进自己的发展。

  • Enter since twenty-first Century with the opening and reform and the socialist market economic system is ceaseless deepen the comprehensive national power of our country increases increasingly the teachers ' quality requirements will grow with each passing day .

    进入21世纪以来,随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制的不断深化,我国的综合国力日益提高,对 教师 队伍素质的要求也 与日俱增。社会经济环境巨变给朝鲜族 师资 队伍带来了极大的冲击。

  • This is Teachers ' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers .

    时逢 教师 ,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。

  • - Tomorrow is Teachers ' Day .

    -明天是 教师

  • Happy National Teachers ' Day

    教师 快乐