


  • Let 's get a move on Mulley says Teal gently tugging her Australian-German shepherd into the gym .

    “让我们勇敢点,往前走,姆里,” 尔轻轻的拉着她的澳大利亚与德国牧羊犬的的后代姆里进入体育馆。

  • Common teal of Eurasia and North America .

    欧亚大陆和北美洲普通的 野鸭

  • Design idea of teal storage unit in polypropylene plant

    聚丙烯装置 烷基 贮存单元 配管设计

  • TEAL So I 'm teaching freshmen physics introductory physics using a lot of technology and an active learning environment .

    表示 技术 辅助型自主学习。, TEAL,stands, for,technology-enhanced, activelearning。,我在这里教大一学生物理,物理入门,会用到很多技术,和一个自主学习的环境。

  • Factors affecting polypropylene melt index were discussed . Effects of hydrogen amount added mass ratio of triethylaluminum ( TEAL ) to cyclohexyl methyl-2-methoxy silane ( CMMS ) density of slurry volume of loop reactor and type of catalyst used on polypropylene melt index were investigated .

    分析了影响聚丙烯熔体流动指数的因素,考察了反应器氢气加入量、Al与Si质量比、 浆液密度、反应器容积、催化剂品种对聚丙烯熔体流动指数的影响。

  • For instance teal number space R is not strong connected .

    例如 实数空间R就不是强连通的。

  • Available in red blue green teal purple magenta and cranberry .

    有红色、蓝色、绿色、 绿色、紫色、紫红色和蔓越莓色。

  • Designing gas circuit control system of auto-detection platform for train teal host


  • Implementation of Measuring Signal Sampling and Teal Time Algorithm in Coriolis Mass Flowmeter

    科氏流量计测量信号采样与 实时算法的实现

  • As a result none of all the15 lectures held by the teal led by her brought disappointment to students .

    她领导的 团队承办的15场人文讲座,没有一场让学生们失望。

  • Himalayan Teal Tourmaline has been hand mined at high elevations in the Himalayan Mountain range .

    喜马拉雅 青色碧玺开采于喜马拉雅山脉的高海拔地区。

  • Maybe some teal or some blue right ?

    或者有点 绿色抑或有点蓝色,是不是?

  • Keep in mind that whenever you start launching more satellites when you make launch services cheaper and bring new players into the market you have a lot of spinoff effects Marco Caceres director of space studies at aerospace and defense consultancy Teal Group .

    航天及国防咨询公司 蒂尔集团航天研究总监马可o卡塞雷斯称:请牢记,无论什么时候开始发射更多卫星,只要能大幅降低发射服务的价格,带来更多新入行的企业,就会产生大量连带效应。

  • Blue eyes look great with gold or pink shadows . Green eyes stand out with copper or plum shades . Brown eyes pop with blue teal and purple .

    金色或粉红色的眼影更 适合蓝色眼睛的人,绿色的眼睛 适合涂铜色和紫红色的 眼影,而蓝色、 青色和紫色 适合灰色的眼睛。

  • According to engineering design and practical experience the author presents the unique characteristics optimized layout and excellent piping design of TEAL metering unit in polypropylene plant .

    结合工程设计实践经验,阐述聚丙烯装置 烷基 贮存单元所具有的独特性, 从而达到优化布置和完善 配管设计的 目的

  • On a background of softest seafoam with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia periwinkle and teal she is a part of the mysterious impetuous sea captured forever on canvas .

    在柔软的海泡石的背景下,有着翅膀状的鱼鳍,在玫红紫色和 绿色交织的夜色下,她永远是画布上神秘莫测而又奔腾激烈的大海的战利品的一部分。

  • Application of T_2 ( TEAL ) to the UNIPOL PE Process

    T2( 三乙基铝)在UNIPOL工艺中的应用

  • One is not better than the other unless we 're talking about fashion and I 'm sorry but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia .

    世无优于他人者,除非吾等所论为时尚,而吾很抱歉, 更愿将此 话题 予那些通晓区分 与晚樱红之法的女子及部分男子。

  • Consumers who bought the ketchup didn 't know until they squirted it on a burger whether they got pink orange or teal .

    顾客买的时候并不知道瓶子里装的是什么颜色的番茄酱,直到抹上馅饼时才会发现那是粉红、橙色还是 绿色

  • They fall all night while the voice of the Teal River becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away .

    雪下了整整一夜,奔腾的 河渐渐沉寂,森林的喧嚣也慢慢消失。

  • While we indicated 8 species ( 3 genera ) during March and May Common Teal and Garganey ( A. querquedula ) were the dominant species .

    2006年3~5月记录到雁鸭类3属8种,优势种为绿翅鸭、 白眉鸭(A.querquedula)和斑嘴鸭。

  • But the actor might have gone for something a little more attractive than the ugly teal green monstrosity he was zooming around in .

    然而,吸引这位演员的应该不仅仅是他所驾驶的那辆丑陋的 绿色怪物!

  • An example for teal data processing is given .

    文中提供了 实际资料处理的例子。

  • Available in red blue green pumpkin pink yellow teal purple fuschia and burgundy .

    有红色、蓝色、绿色、橙色、粉红色、黄色、 青色、紫色、褐色和酒红色。

  • With it the teal time information can be got and then the scientific decision optimized production and management of an enterprise achieved .

    通过它,可以获得生产 现场 实时 数据信息,从而使企业管理决策科学化,达到生产、经营、管理的最优化状态。

  • Now her focus is on Abney & teal an animated series laden with nostalgia .

    眼下,她将重点放在了《阿布尼和 蒂尔》上,这是一部充满怀旧情绪的动画系列片。

  • The post office was on Teal street .

    邮局在 街。

  • Demand for the very largest corporate jets has remained robust since the financial crisis according to Teal figures .

    根据 蒂尔 集团的数据,对最大型公务飞机的需求在金融危机后一直保持强劲。

  • His shadows are full of purples and blues the sky transitions from a light green to a bold teal .

    画作中的阴影带著丰郁的紫蓝 色调,淡绿色的天空融入鲜明的 绿色