technical inspection

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ɪnˈspɛkʃən][ˈteknikəl ɪnˈspekʃən]


  • The Enlightenment from Technical Inspection on Europe 's River-Marine and Marine-River Ships

    欧洲江海直达船 技术 考察的启示

  • Thinking of Provincial Information Document of Quality Technical Inspection and Supervision

    对省级质量 技术 监督情报文献工作的思考

  • Fire protection inspection on architecture designs ( FPIAD ) involve technical inspection and administrative supervision .

    建筑设计防火审核包括 技术 审核和行政监督管理两部分。

  • The equipment technology technical inspection strengthening effect and mechanism of shot peening are reviewed . The paper can be used as a reference for engineers in their study research and application of shot peening technique .

    本文简要介绍了喷丸设备、喷丸强化工艺、 技术 检验、强化效果和强化机制,可供工程技术人员作为了解、研究以及推广喷丸技术的参考。

  • Contractor shall review its supplier 's sub-orders to ensure that all relevant company technical and inspection requirements are passed on to sub-suppliers .

    承包商应审核其供应商的分订单,保证分供应商通过所有与业主相关的 技术 检查要求。

  • Technical guidance and management to field inspection supervise and control the execution of inspection documents and dispose technical problems during inspection .

    现场检验技术指导和管理,监督控制检验文件执行,处理 检验 技术问题。

  • All cars must adhere to SAE 's rules and pass SAE 's technical inspection and judging .

    所有参赛车都必须遵守SAE的规则,并且通过SAE的 技术 检查和裁决。

  • With previous research the focus on the relevant legislative proposals about the mandatory liability insurance technical inspection system Liability claim .

    结合前面的研究成果,重点从强制责任险、 技术 检查制度、第三人直接请求权三个方面探讨了相关的立法建议。

  • Big Bazaar brand potato starch crystal white high viscosity expansion force by the technical quality inspection department to fully comply with national starch food products excellent standard .

    “大甸”牌马铃薯淀粉晶莹洁白、粘度高、膨胀力大,经 技术质量 检测部门 检验,产品完全符合国家淀粉食用优级标准。

  • Standard for process design of laboratory test cabinet and technical inspection station of non-ferrous metals mines

    有色金属矿山试验室、化验室及 技术 检查站工艺设计标准

  • In the overhaul of key components inability to test the unit must be entrusted to qualified technical inspection unit for inspection .

    在检修时对关键部件,本单位无力检测的,必须委托有资格的 技术 检验单位进行检验。

  • Appraising Approach Study on Technical Safety Inspection of Speed-up Train

    铁路提速列车 技术安全 监测系统评价方法研究

  • The company all test equipment for through national Shanghai technical supervision inspection qualified .

    公司所有检验设备为通过国家上海 技术监督 检测合格。

  • The Technical Inspection And Appraisal of Chemical Factory Biochemistry Pools

    某化工厂生化池的 技术 检测鉴定

  • The simplified equation for relief valves of LPG storage tanks is got based on the formula sited in Vessel Safety Technical Inspection Regulation issued by China National Labor Ministry and also based on the related content of Fire Protection Specification of Architectural Design .

    把国家劳动部《压力容器安全 技术 监察规程》中安全阀计算公式与《建筑设计防火规范》中的有关内容联系起来,提出了液化石油气储罐安全阀的简化计算公式。

  • Initial Inquiry into Single Car Technical Inspection for Quasi high Speed Double Deck Passenger Car with Underground Pit

    准高速双层客车有地沟单车 技术 检查方法初探

  • Research on the Operational Mechanism of Technical Inspection Service in Building Defects Insurance Systems

    房屋质量保险制度下 质量 检查机构运行机制研究

  • Economic Effectiveness of Technical Supervision Inspection of Electrical Products Using Logistic Curve

    用Logistic曲线模拟电器 产品监督 检验的经济效果

  • The company has a senior management staff professional designers production engineers as well as technical inspection after the installation of officers .

    公司拥有资深管理人员、专业设计师、生产工程师、 技术 检验人员以及售后安装人员。

  • In proceeding reply query promptly and provide various technical support at inspection and acceptance of product .

    产品售中,保证在 产品验收时到货前及时解答您的疑难问题,提供各方面的 技术支持。

  • This paper expounds the importance of special subjects technical information inspection and research and explores through practice the main method and features to carry out this work in the libraries of the institutions of higher learning .

    本文论述了专题 技术情报 调研的重要性,并从实践中探索了高校图书馆开展该项工作的主要方法和特点。

  • Brief introduction to compilation of technical specification for inspection and appraisal of steel structures of Shanghai

    上海市《钢结构 检测与鉴定 技术规程》编制简介

  • Studies on scheme to improve the mode of freight train technical inspection working process

    货物列车 技术 检查工作模式改革方案的研究

  • The detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus based on monoclonal antibody technology have great application prospect and in the same time the mAbs of TDH lay a foundation for the development of colloidal gold technical inspection to detect pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus .

    表明利用单克隆抗体为基础在致病性副溶血弧菌检测方面将具有巨大的应用前景,为开发胶体金 技术 检测副溶血弧菌奠定一定的基础。

  • Beijing Vouched Machinery Quality Technical Inspection Centre ( VMQTI )

    北京华欣德机械质量 技术 检验中心(VMOTI)

  • The other technical capacity inspection of the product asked is performed when the sample are some of the products get the random samples from the product group according to the required numer of inspection items .

    对于产品所要求的其他 技术性能,若用制品 检验时,根据检验项目所要求的数量从该批产品中随机抽取。

  • At the time of application for the registration of a motor vehicle the applicant shall accept the technical inspection of safety on the motor vehicle .

    申请机动车登记时,应当接受对该机动车的安全 技术 检验

  • 4The employer entrusted the designer to cooperate with the engineering work of imported project and design personnel undertaking relevant design assignment shall be included in all stages from enquiry business negotiation domestic and overseas technical inspection until the production period .

    发包人委托设计人配合引进项目的设计任务,从询价、对外谈判、国内外 技术 考察直至建成投产的各个阶段,应吸收承担有关设计任务的设计人员参加。

  • Technical inspection and non-detaching repair shall be carried out for originating and receiving passenger trains .

    对始发、到达旅客列车进行 技术 检查及不摘车修理。

  • The current problems of provincial information document of quality technical inspection and supervision was stated briefly . Some principles and suggestions of collection of provincial information document of quality technical inspection and supervision were also expounded .

    简要指出目前省级质量 技术 监督情报文献工作存在的问题,阐明省级情报文献收集的原则,并提出建议。