


  • The enrichment and recovery of tantalum and niobium through acid leaching and sodium alkali fusing from tungsten residue is studied .

    研究了用酸浸与钠碱熔融法从钨渣中富集和回收 铌。

  • Effect of doping Ge and Ce on microstructure and mechanical property of tantalum wire

    掺杂锗和铈对 丝组织和力学性能的影响

  • The crystallization affected by annealing studied on microcrystalline silicon thin films fabricated on tantalum ;

    获得了可用于太阳能电池的微晶硅薄膜的最佳晶化 参数

  • We are professional of MLCC Resistor Inductor Tantalum cap Beads Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors .

    我司专营贴片电容,电阻,电感,磁珠, 电容,铝电解电容及插件类电解电容。

  • Solid tantalum capacitors are polar capacitor . Reverse voltage is not permissible .

    3固体 电容器为极性电容器,不适宜在加反向电压条件下使用。

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium & Determination of oxygen content

    GB/T15076.14-1994 铌化学分析方法氧量的测定

  • Tantalum is a rare element in high demand .


  • In this work the influence of organism on breakdown voltage and conductance of electrolyte of wet tantalum capacitor was investigated .

    研究了有机物对液 电容器工作电解质闪火电压及电导率的影响。

  • The relative strength of agglomerated particles for some tantalum powder was compared and analyzed .

    研究了采用激光粒度分布仪测试电容 团化 粉粒度分布及强度的方法。

  • Fluorin Determination in High Purity Niobium or Tantalum Oxides by Spectrophotometry

    分光光度法测定高纯氧化铌( )中氟的研究

  • The effect of electrolyte on high frequency electrical property of wet tantalum capacitors was studied .

    研究了电解质对高频液体 电容器电性能的影响。

  • A mineral consisting of tantalum oxide of iron and manganese that occurs with niobite or in coarse granite ; an ore of tantalum .

    一种由铁和锰的 氧化物组成的矿物,与铌铁矿共生,亦见于粗糙的花岗岩中,是一种钽矿石。

  • The anode and grid loops are tantalum which has excellent getter properties .

    阳极和格子环是有优良的获取人财产的 金属 元素

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium & Determination of phosphorus content in niobium

    GB/T15076.7-1994 铌化学分析方法铌中磷量的测定

  • Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet strip and foil

    GB/T3629-1983 及钽合金板材、带材和箔材

  • Inorganic Infrared Substractive Spectrum Analysis ⅱ . Simultaneous Determination of Niobium And Tantalum

    无机红外差谱分析Ⅲ、铌和 的同时测定

  • Extraction-Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Tantalum in Steels Using Ethyl Violet


  • A spectrophotometric method for the determination of tantalum with the new chromogenic reagent dbh-pf has been studied .

    研究了用新显色剂 dbh-pf分光光度测定钼的方法。

  • Determination of trace tantalum in stone coal slag with flow injection-ion exchange separation and preconcentration-spectrophotometry ;

    研究了流动注射在线离子交换预富集及在线 氢化物发生法与原子荧光光谱法的联 技术。

  • A black mineral that is an ore of niobium and tantalum .

    一种黑色矿物,是铌、 矿石。

  • Non-polarity solid tantalum electrolytic capacitor

    无极性固体 电解电容器

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium & Determination of molybdenum and tungsten contents

    GB/T15076.5-1994 铌化学分析方法钼量和钨量的测定

  • The tantalum spinneret is a key part in chemical fibre silk spinning_machine .

    喷丝头是 化纤纺织机上的关键部件。

  • Those include the so-called conflict minerals tin tantalum and tungsten ( and also gold ) as well as rare earth metals that are available almost exclusively from China .

    这包括了所谓的争端矿物锡、 、钨(和黄金)以及为中国垄断的稀土金属。

  • The reliability of solid state tantalum capacitors is related to the serial resistance in a circuit ;

    的可靠性与使用线路阻抗有关,如果线路 阻抗 小则可靠性

  • Testing method of electrical property of tantalum powders

    GB/T3137-1995 粉电性能试验方法

  • They are coated on the surface of the tantalum electrode by electrochemical deposition in air .

    在大气氛围中,采用电化学沉积的方法在 电极表面 合成了导电 聚吡咯膜。

  • We are processing titanium nickel tungsten molybdenum tantalum niobium zirconium and hafnium materials .

    我们的产品是钛、镍、钨、钼、 、铌、锆、铪材料加工;

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium & Determination of carbon content

    GB/T15076.12-1994 铌化学分析方法碳量的测定

  • A high-tech manufacturer specialized in R & D. Production of tantalum capacitors multilayer ceramic capacitors .

    是专业生产 电容器、独 电容器、网络电阻和网络电容的高新技术企业。