
v.计算,清点( tally的现在分词 )加标签(或标记)于(使)符合(使)吻合

  • Election monitors were turned away while the tallying went on .

    选票 计数 过程中,选举监视器也被关闭。

  • Political civilization is not a kind of isolated civilization it has a very close connection with moral civilization they have common mechanism of tallying and mutual complement ;

    政治文明不是一种孤立的文明,它与道德文明有着十分密切的关系,它们有着共同的 契合机制和互补机制;

  • The text analyzed the current domestic and international safe stance and status in quos tallying up the reform to open later the characteristics and the mainspring of the our country safety in production stance .

    本文分析了当前国内外安全形势及现状, 总结了改革开放后我国安全生产形势的特点和主要原因。

  • Would not a causal analysis on how to reduce the fix-time rate be more beneficial to the team 's overall efficiency in terms of reducing wait time than tallying how often a build fails ?

    就减少等待时间而言,对如何减少确定时间率的因果分析不会比 计算构建失败的频率的数字更有益于团队的整个效率吗?

  • In these cases twitter said it would use its best estimate of sales price when tallying up figures to compute its quarterly statements .

    Twitter表示,它在计算 季报对于这些交易会使用“最佳销售价格估算值”。

  • Therefore it has the extremely important theory significance and the application value to construct the effective risk management tallying in the new product development of vehicle operating law .

    因此,如何构建 符合于汽车新产品开发运行规律 并行之有效的风险管理 办法,具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值。

  • He was tallying the day 's receipts .

    他正在 清点一天的收入。

  • However viewing from the sexual perspective the description of female images and behaviors in the media we will find it obviously stiff and not tallying with the facts .

    然而,如果从性别视角切入,我们会发现,媒介中对女性形象和行为的描述 存在明显的刻板 印象,与现实 生活中的女性不 符合

  • But all these model theory and method are based on fuzzy remnant set theory ( tallying with the fuzzy complete definition proposed in this paper ) .

    但这些模型、理论和方法都基于模糊余集原理(与本文提出的模糊完全定义 吻合)。

  • I 'm the chief tally from SHOST . I 'd like to talk with you something about tallying .

    我是上外轮理货有限公司派来的理货组长,我想与你谈谈有关 理货的工作。

  • Third build a modern system of thought transference tallying with the characteristic and request of epoch and enhance validity of engrafting the ideology of our party ;

    建立起 符合时代特点和要求的现代思想教育体系,提高党的意识形态灌输的有效性;

  • This text discusses the stability of the cable-stayed arch from the theories firstly it is divided into the in-plane and the out-of-plane to contrast the cable-stayed arch with arch structure of the stable critical load Tallying up the influence of the cables on the stability .

    本文首先从理论上探讨了斜拉拱结构的稳定性,分成面内和面外两种情况来对比分析了斜拉拱组合结构与拱结构的稳定临界荷载, 总结出拉索对稳定性的影响。

  • He either advocated monarch or sang the praises of dualist theory system of government of republicanism is progressive thought tallying with Italian reality .

    他既鼓吹君主制又讴歌共和制的二元化政体理论,是 符合意大利现实的进步思想。

  • Leading by this criticism Zhu made principles by tallying sentiment with imago in the relationship of the interior literature and uniting personality with style in the relationship of the exterior of literature and constructed a series modes of criticism with these principles .

    在这种批评观的指导下,朱光潜在作品的内部和外部关系上, 分别以情趣与意象 契合、人格与风格相统一作为批评原则,建立了一系列批评方法。

  • Humanization is tallying up car photograph and put forward to car photographers ' five requirments ;

    总结了汽车摄影的人性化 表达 涵义,并提出了对汽车摄影师的五点要求;

  • Tallying Chinese oil reserves must go well beyond the books of its already large oil companies .


  • The science of teaching ethics is a subject to research the necessary moral concept norm and practice in teaching which aims at guiding teaching to tallying with goodness .

    伦理学教学正 日益 广泛地进入大学课堂,但并 没有 明确伦理学教学的 不同 类型及其 特定的目的和 任务,也 没有在它们应有的共同理念和共性原理方面达成共识。

  • This paper passes to introduce the reason that the high performance concrete opens put forward the concrete physical volume stability of concept combine analytical it control the index sign tallying up the exaltation concrete material anti function with keep concrete measure of the concrete physical volume stability .

    本文通过介绍高性能混凝土开裂的原因,提出了混凝土体积稳定性的概念并分析其控制指标。 总结了提高混凝土材料抗裂性能与保持混凝土体积稳定性的具体措施。

  • Design train of thought structure and function of assembled moving gas - mixing station are introduced safety and tallying with design code for gas engineering are analyzed .

    介绍了组合式移动混 气站的设计思路、结构和功能,分析了安全性和与燃气规范的 配性。

  • After tallying those probabilities we enlisted sports actuary John Dewan owner of Baseball Info Solutions to run 1 simulations of the Games .


  • The control center for tallying all the votes was a small computer room ; the door to that room was ajar and no log was kept of personnel entering and leaving .


  • Objective : The paper is to raise the speed and efficiency of geometric composition analysis by studying and inducing the basic composition rule of geometric composition analysis and tallying up several mistake and a few kinds of skills .

    通过对几何组成分析基本组成规则的学习归纳, 总结 几何组成分析中 存在的几个误区和几种分析技巧,以提高几何组成分析的速度和效率。

  • We charge extra fee at100 % of the rates of tallying fees .

    我们按 理货收费率的100%收取附加费。

  • This thesis carries on to the meaning and actual states of Load forecasting to say all first analyzing the characteristic of load and Load forecasting tallying up composition and sorts and load periodic change regulations of load analyzing every kind of factor of load of impact .

    本论文首先对负荷预测的意义和研究现状进行了 概述,再从电力负荷与负荷预测特性研究入手,充分分析了 负荷组成与分类以及负荷的周期性变化规律,讨论了影响负荷的各种因素。

  • Software is the soul of application . It is insufficient to merely have the hardware information platform so there must be Electronic Government software tallying with China national conditions .

    软件是应用的灵魂,仅仅有硬件信息平台是不够的,必须有 适合中国 国情的电子政务软件。

  • Chapter 2 is tallying up the related theories of land price and real estate price .

    第二章主要 论述了与地价和房价相关的 经济理论。

  • The tallying of those votes vvill not begin until next week .

    对这些选票的 清点工作要等到下个星期才开始。