

  • Ca improves the tensile fracture surface and when the addition of Ca is up to 0.3 wt. % the result is the most obvious .

    微量元素Ca的加入,有效改善了试验合金的拉伸断口形貌,且当Ca含量为 0.3% 作用效果最为明显。

  • The corrosion type of the two kinds of MAO coatings in 3.5 wt. % NaCl solution was pitting corrosion .

    两种微弧氧化膜在 3.5wt.%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀类型为点蚀。

  • The reaction was carried out at a temperature of 175 & 185 ℃ and under a hydrogen pressure of 60 atmospheres . After a simple distillation the content of furfuryl alcohol in the product reached 99 % wt.

    该催化剂在反应温度 175&185℃、氢压为60大气压的条件下反应,产物氢化液糠醇含量在98%以上,氢化液经简单蒸馏,馏出液中糠醇含量在99%以上。

  • The photocatalytic performance of 0.46 wt. % Pt / ZnO is the best .

    其中, 0.46wt.%Pt/ZnO的光催化性能最好。

  • Compared with DOS the sulfur reduction rate and conversion of the catalyst modified by 0.45 wt. % of vanadium increase about 5 % and 2 % respectively .

    与催化剂 DOS相比,脱硫率提高了5%左右,转化率提高了约2%。

  • The TiO2 content of rutile is above 95 % wt. which are mainly occurred in quartz eclogite and phengite eclogite .

    金红石的TiO2含量在95%( 重量 以上,多产于石英榴辉岩、多硅白云母榴辉岩中。

  • Hf-rich melts have good fluidity wettability and skin effects at the later stage of solidification . The skin melts are a multicomponent eutectic liquid that contains Hf above 6 % by wt. and have the capability of self-brazing and the recovery effect on cracks .

    凝固后期富铪熔体具有良好的流动性和润湿性并具有趋肤效应,趋肤液是含 量高于6%的多元共晶液,它具有自钎接性能,对裂纹起自愈合作用。

  • When initial concentration changed from 10 wt. % to 15 wt. % the macropore size of soluble starch materials decreased while the wall thickness increased .

    当淀粉初始含量由 10wt.%改变为15wt.% 模板材料的宏孔尺寸减小,而壁厚增加。

  • The results showed that with the 16 wt. % concentration of the polymer solution the fibrous membranes exhibited uniform fiber diameter excellent electrochemical stability highest ionic conductivity and reach 3.5 × 10-3 S / cm at room temperature .

    结果表明:由浓度为 16wt.%的聚合物溶液制备的复合纤维膜的纤维分布均匀,具有良好的电化学稳定性,其室温离子电导率也最高,达到了3.5×10-3S/cm。

  • The result indicated that when the BPO amount used is wt. 1.0 % the monomer amount used is wt.8.0 % the reaction temperature is 80 ~ 90 ° C the reaction time is about 3 hours the stem grafting effect is best .

    结果表明,BPO用量为 wt.1.0%,单体用量为wt.8.0%,反应温度为80~90℃,反应时间为3小时左右时,接枝效果最好。

  • The tensile strength and toughness of the 5 wt. % EM-GNPs filled epoxy nanocomposites were improved by about 17 MPa and 6 % respectively along with ca. 19 ℃ improvement of the high temperature degradation resistance .


  • Those for Minjiang Estuary were ND-5.07 21.5 - 2 396 ND-6.78 ng / g dry wt. respectively .


  • These compounds confer integrity to the membranes and keep the photosynthetic system functioning as evidenced by the higher Fv / Fm values observed for over-expression plants compared with Wt. Reduced photoinhibition in co-suppression lines might be due to lower proline levels .

    这些化合物确保了植物细胞膜的完整性和光合作用系统的功能。在超量表达植物中观察到Fv/Fm值高于 野生 在共抑制系中光抑制的减少可能是由于脯氨酸含量减少导致的。

  • In order to further study the corrosion protection of film the immersion tests were employed in neutral 3.5 wt. % NaCl corrosive media .

    为了进一步研究TZT的耐腐蚀性能,在中性 3.5wt.%NaCl腐蚀介质中进行了长期浸泡实验。

  • After modification of the high titanium slag the acid leaching rate was significantly increased to 96.23 wt. % .

    经过改性后的高 钛渣,酸解浸出率明显提高。

  • Background and noise components can be simultaneously subtracted from the spectra by WT.

    利用 小波变换可同时有效地扣除背景和噪声

  • The creep rupture behavior of the 10 wt. % TiB2 / AC8A composite is satisfactorily described by Monkman-Grant relation .

    TiB 2/AC8A复合材料的蠕变断裂行为符合Monkman-Grant关系式。

  • The results show that the mussels have rather high content of taurine ( 36 mg / kg dry wt. ) zinc and unsaturated fatty acid .

    结果:紫贻贝中有较高含量的牛磺酸( 36mg/kg)、锌及不饱和脂肪酸;

  • Fe-Cr-Mo alloys coating containing 26.5 ~ 32.5 wt. % Cr and 3.2 ~ 5.3 wt. % Mo had been obtained from an aqueous solution .

    可从水溶液中获得含26.5~ 32.5wt%Cr和3.2~5.3wt%Mo的Fe-Cr-Mo合金镀层。

  • The Pt content of hybrid membrane was 5.5 wt. % .

    的杂化膜Pt含量为 5.5wt.%

  • With the increase of PS content the melt viscosity is reduced . When PS content is 10 % wt. the composition-melt viscosity curve appears somewhat tortuous . Range of PP particles were increased by the grafting reaction .

    随着PS含量的增加,减少了熔融粘度,组成-熔融粘度曲线在PS为 10wt%时略有所弯曲,通过接技反应,增大了PP粒子的范畴。

  • When thermal treatment time stretched from 0.5 h to 4.0 h the coking value increased from 61.84 wt. % to 76.20 wt. % . ( 2 ) With the increase of additive amount of inorganic particles both reaction yield and coking value of modified pitch increased .

    当热处理时间从0.5h延长到4.0h,改性煤沥青的结焦值从61.84wt.%增大到 76.20wt.%。(2)随着无机粒子添加量的增加,改性煤沥青的产率提高,结焦值增大。

  • The mutant plants exhibited severe retardation of shoot growth in the presence of ammonium compared with the WT.

    突变体植株在存在铵盐的条件下,与 野生 相比地上部的生长 受到严重阻滞

  • The anticorrosive properties of TZT in neutral 3.5 wt. % NaCl corrosive media were evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) technique .

    利用电化学阻抗谱和极化测试研究了TZT在中性 3.5wt.%NaCl腐蚀介质中的耐腐蚀性能。

  • Solution casting films of alginate sodium was studied by AFM in the paper . At the critical concentration ( 5 % by wt. ) the typical polygon structures which is one of properties of lyotropic liquid crystal appeared in this experiment .

    利用原子力显微镜(AFM)研究了海藻酸钠水溶液浇铸法制得的薄膜,在临界浓度5%( 重量 )呈现出典型的多角形结构,这是溶致液晶的结构特征之一。

  • The anti-aging properties of polyurethane resin and camouflage coatings with 2 % ( wt. % ) stabilizer was best .

    稳定剂含量为2%( wt.%,聚氨酯树脂和伪装涂层的耐老化性能最好。