tainted food


  • Tainted food scandals have caused nationwide concern .

    污染 食品丑闻已经引起全国的关注。

  • It follows claims over tainted pet food toothpaste containing antifreeze and lead-painted toys sourced in China and imported into the US .

    此前宣称的问题产品包括从中国采购、进口到美国的 受到 污染的宠物 食品、含防冻剂的牙膏以及涂料含铅的玩具。

  • 388 screening report children consuming the tainted milk powder and summary of correspondent food safety issue

    4388例食用 问题奶粉儿童的筛查报告及 食品安全问题分析

  • Not for the first time Chinese inspectors have found bean sprouts tainted with a banned food additive in this instance in a production center on the southern outskirts of Beijing .

    中国的检验人员发现北京南部郊区一个生产中心的 豆芽,添加了违禁的 食品添加剂。这可不是第一次了。

  • In the wake of the multiple scandals over tainted Chinese food and drug exports in recent months such an exercise might now provoke outright hostility rather than uneasy indifference .

    在最近几个月爆发了多起有关中国 污染 食品和药品的丑闻后,这种做法如今也许会激起直截了当的敌意,而非难堪的冷漠。

  • The tainted wheat gluten was reportedly found in food for dogs and cats in North America .

    据报道在北美的狗 和猫 中发现这种 污染的小麦麸。

  • The beleaguered JT began the year inauspiciously with a tainted food scare which battered sales in its food division .

    在冲击了该公司食品部分销售的 污染 食品的恐慌中,困顿的日本烟草今年开局不利。

  • Hog farms in at least six states may have received tainted pet food for use in feed .

    至少在六个州的养猪场可能获得了用于饲料中的 污染了的宠物 食物

  • The protests have been given momentum by disillusionment with Mr Ma and anger at imports of tainted milk and other food from China .

    抗议者源于对马英九的心灰意冷,以及对 奶粉和其它从大陆进口的问题 食品的忿满之情。

  • Federal investigators have been trying to determine how much of the tainted pet food had been used in feed for hogs and chickens .

    联邦调查员一直在试图决定在给猪和肉鸡中的饲料里,人们用了多少 污染的宠物 食品

  • China 's tainted infant formula scandal yesterday spread beyond the country 's borders as food safety officials in South Korea and Hong Kong said they would investigate or recall Chinese products .

    中国婴儿配方 奶粉污染的丑闻昨日继续扩大。韩国和香港 食品安全官员表示,他们将对中国产品进行调查或召回。

  • China 's leading egg processor Dalian Hanwei Enterprise Group was among the companies found producing tainted eggs which were first identified by Hong Kong food safety regulators .

    中国主要的鸡蛋加工商,大连韩伟集团,也在鸡蛋被检出问题的公司之列。 韩伟的问题产品首先被香港 食品安全监管机构发现。

  • China has faced a series of scandals involving tainted food in recent years .

    近年来,中国面临一系列涉及 食品 污染的丑闻。

  • Some scholars have argued that the state monopoly system actually contributed to the phenomenon of tainted salt and that overhauling the system while enforcing food quality laws should help improve safety .

    一些学者曾辩称,国家垄断制度实际上在一定程度上造成了食盐 遭到 污染的现象,在改革制度的同时实施 食品质量法律应该有助于提高安全性。

  • The announcement will cast further aspersions on Chinese manufacturers which have been involved in a series of safety scandals this year including tainted pet food and toothpaste .

    此次宣布召回将进一步损害中国制造商的声誉,今年中国制造商已被牵扯到一系列安全丑闻之中,其中包括 污染的宠物 食品和牙膏。

  • Tainted food can poison your system .

    腐坏 食物会使身体中毒。

  • Recently China 's manufacturing industry suffered a new setback on top of tales of toxic toys tainted pet food and chemical-drenched pyjamas when Mattel announced a third recall of toys .

    最近,中国制造业遭遇了新的挫折&在销售有毒玩具、 污染宠物 食品和化学物质超标的睡衣等事件后,美泰(Mattel)宣布第三次召回玩具。