tail water

[tel ˈwɔtɚ][teil ˈwɔ:tə]


  • The selection & application of control strategy on river model tail water level control system

    河工模型 水位控制策略的选取与应用

  • A tail water tidal power plant is a kind of power plant which utilizes the water head of tides and the tail water of thermal power stations along the coasts to exploit and recover energy .

    利用海洋潮汐水位差和沿海火力电站的尾水应相结合开发和回收能量的水力电站称 潮汐电站。

  • This model offers a way for utilizing the tidal energy and saving and recovering the spare energy remaining in the tail water of the power station a short constructing period and a better economical result .

    潮汐电站的模式为开发利用海洋潮汐能和节约回收沿海火力电站的 余能提供了一条途径。

  • It separates the spillway released energy dissipated water flow from the tailwater channel of left power plant to avoid the interference of high speed turbulent flow with tail water flow from left power plant mitigating unfavorable influence .

    其作用是将河床中部的泄洪消能水流与左电厂尾水渠隔开,避免泄洪时高速紊动水流与左电厂 出流的相互干扰和不利影响。

  • Ecological Risk Analyse of the Tail Water Diversion of Xuzhou

    徐州 市尾 导流工程的生态风险分析

  • According to geothermal resources in Anshan district and utilizing status aiming at heating area of 30 m 2 using geo-heat pump making the utilization of tail water and analyzes it in technological and economical aspects .

    根据鞍山千山地区地热水资源及利用情况,针对3万m2的供热面积,采用地热热泵以充分利用地热 的方案,进行了技术经济分析。

  • Modification is in upstream of main auxiliary powerhouse and tail water system is made up of draft tube the exit gate .

    主变位于上游副厂房, 系统由尾水管、出口闸门组成。

  • The bottom loop can be excreted from tail water corridor .

    底环与座环用螺栓连接,底环从 廊道处装拆。

  • This article has mainly carried on the research about the processing which the microwave cooperated with different catalysts radiates on the methyl orange the active colorful blue X-BR solution and the tail water of the municipal sewage plant .

    本文主要进行了在不同催化剂存在条件下微波辐射处理甲基橙和活性艳蓝X-BR染料溶液及城市污水厂 研究。

  • Influence of Heavy Metal from Electroplating Factory Tail Water on Rice Field

    电镀厂 重金属对附近 稻田的 环境影响

  • Study on the Mail Hindrance and Antisepsis of Circulation Cooling Water System for Which Tail Water Is Reused


  • Results indicated that the tail water brought an insignificant impact on the environment which provides a scientific support for environmental management in this region .

    预测结果表明, 正常排放时,对保护区的影响不大,这为区域开发的环境管理,提供了科学的依据。

  • The results showed that the tail water did not alter the redox environment of Changjiang estuary which belongs to oxidation environment .

    结果表明,目前上海 城市 排放并未改变长江口大 水体的氧化还原环境,基本以氧化环境为主。

  • Summary : to solve the problem of heat source shortage of a hotel in tianjin using geo-heat pump making the most use of tail water and the hotel 's old equipment make a comparison in technological and economical respects .

    摘要:针对天津某酒店目前供热热源不足的情况,采用地热热泵,充分利用地热 ,并结合酒店原有采暖空调设备的能力,进行了技术经济分析。

  • Study on Dynamic Process of Tail Water Surge Tank of Large-sized Hydropower Station

    大型水电站 调压井动态过程研究

  • Alteration of Control System with PLC for Hoist of Tail Water Gate in Ankang Hydropower Station

    安康电站 水门机电气控制系统PLC改造

  • Study on Speciation and Removal of Phosphorus in Tail Water from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

    城市污水处理厂 水中磷的形态分析及除磷研究

  • Study on Antisepsis of Tail Water being Reused in Circulation Cooling Water System in Xuzhou and Changzhou

    徐州、常州 市尾 用于循环冷却水的可行性研究

  • Application of Stabilization Pond to Treatment of Tail Water of Petrochemical Wastewater

    稳定塘用于石化废水 处理的中试研究

  • The influence of energy dissipated water on tailwater channel is also reduced so the flow pattern in tail water channel is improved obviously .

    消能后水流对左电厂尾水渠的影响也相应减轻,使左电厂 水渠流态有明显改善。

  • Study of Initial Crustal Stress Field in the Tail Water Bifurcated Pipe Area of Liyang Pumped-storage Hydropower Plant

    溧阳抽水蓄能电站 岔管区域初始地应力场研究受控条件下无压尾水洞引风技术探讨

  • Three control conditions such as discharge size of cross section and tail water level for uniform silting in the rectangle fields have been investigated by the authors based on transportation characters of flow and sediment and conservation principle of sediment mass .

    同时根据格田区内水沙运动特点和泥沙质量守恒原理,探讨了影响泥沙均匀落淤的格 田流量、断面尺寸和退水口 水位的控制条件。

  • In the model the tail water is considered as a constant temperature object and the air is considered as just changing along the tail-water tunnel .

    在模型中假设 流量和温度沿整个洞长保持恒定,空气参数只沿尾水洞长度方向作一维变化,在1个小时之内进出口空气参数保持稳定并且空气与岩壁之间为稳态换热。

  • The embedding part includes volute socket ring tail water taper pipe tail water ell pit liner and so on .

    埋入部分包括蜗壳座环、 锥管、尾水肘管、机坑里衬等。

  • Accurate computation of the heat and mass transfer in the tail water tunnel is the basis of determining the air conditioning and ventilation system .

    在设计阶段对 洞内的热质交换进行准确计算是确定通风空调方案的依据。

  • Point out the effects of considering hydraucone and auxiliary plant of tail water on the inherent vibration characteristics of supporting composite construction and study the problem of choosing the range of the mechanical modal .

    指出尾水管及 副厂房对结构自振特性的影响,对力学模型选取范围问题进行了分析研究。

  • Application of magnesium nitrate tail water in the regeneration in cationic ion exchanger in demineralized water system

    硝酸镁 在除盐水阳床再生中的应用

  • The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant .

    使用间硝生产中产生的镁 替代盐酸作为阳床再生剂对除盐再生系统进行改造。

  • In this paper the quasi-steady quasi-three-dimensional heat and mass transfer model in the tail water tunnel was found on the principle of thermal balance by using finite cell to control volume .

    本文以微元控制容积的热质平衡原理为基础,建立了准稳态准三维的 水洞通风换热传质模型。

  • When the tail water level is higher than the ground of a hydro-power plant the repairing and safety of the plant will be affected without water seal in the tail gate .

    当水电站 水位高于厂房地平面时,如果尾水闸门不能止水,势必影响电站的检修和安全。