technical barriers


  • Code of conduct for preventing technical barriers to trade ;

    防止 技术 贸易 壁垒行为守则;

  • Technical Barriers to Trade and the Competitive Improvement of China 's Science and Technology

    技术 贸易 壁垒与我国科技竞争力的提高

  • We analyze the impact of technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) in European Union ( EU ) on the seafood export from China .

    文章对我国水产品出口欧盟遭遇 技术性贸易 壁垒的影响进行了实证的研究分析。

  • CHB measurement will use their own rich resources help enterprise break the European and American countries technical barriers to trade and foreign market successfully landed .

    CHB中测将运用自身的丰富资源,协助企业打破欧美国家的 技术 贸易 壁垒,顺利地登陆国外市场。

  • Research on Expanding Agricultural Exports Responding to Technical Barriers to Trades

    应对 技术贸易 壁垒扩大农产品出口研究

  • Facing these technical barriers do you worry about the huge losses caused by the restricted chemicals ?

    面对这 一波一波 技术 壁垒,您是否担心产品超出化学物质限量而带来巨额损失?

  • The Game Analysis of Technical Barriers to Trade Dual-controlled Mechanism Effect on Chinese Export Trade

    技术 贸易壁垒的双重控制机制对我国出口贸易影响的博弈分析

  • Intel is conducting advanced research to overcome technical barriers so they will not impede the company 's future manufacturing and product plans .

    英特尔从事高技术研究以克服各种 技术 障碍,使之不会影响公司未来的生产和产品计划。

  • If adopted the proposals would set standards and facilitate international food trade by eliminating unjustified technical barriers .

    如获得通过,这些建议将确定标准,并通过消除不合理的 技术 障碍促进国际食品贸易。预期 来自约100个国家和许多非政府组织的约500名代表将出席会议。

  • Research on Risk Identification and Assessment Method in Technical Barriers to Trade

    技术 贸易 措施风险辨识与评估方法的研究

  • I have been told repeatedly that there are no significant scientific or technical barriers to polio eradication .

    我被反复告知,没有 阻碍根除脊髓灰质炎的重大科学或 技术 障碍

  • Analysis of Technical Barriers to Trade for Chinese Tea Exporting to EU

    中国茶叶出口欧盟 面临 技术性贸易 壁垒分析

  • To collect and study foreign technical regulations which shall be timely announced to the relevant websites of Guangxi and notified to the relevant export enterprises to help the enterprises break and surmount foreign technical barriers ;

    收集和研究国外技术法规,及时在广西有关网站上发布和通知有关出口企业,帮助企业打破和跨越国外 技术 壁垒

  • Effect and Research of Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) for Lighting Appliance Export in Zhejiang Province

    技术 贸易壁垒对浙江出口照明电器的影响与研究

  • After China 's accession to WTO in the globalization of economy and trade technical barriers to trade has become the pronoun of regional unfair trade .

    在中国加入WTO组织之后,以及贸易经济的全球化, 技术 贸易 壁垒已经成为了地区 不公平贸易的代名词。

  • Analysis of Impacts on Technical Barriers to Trade in Chinese Tea Export

    技术 贸易 壁垒对我国茶叶出口贸易的影响分析

  • National Competitive Intelligence System for Technical Barriers to Trade and Its Construction

    国家 技术 贸易 壁垒竞争情报体系及其构建

  • The Research of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine on the Implementation of Technical Barriers to Trade

    我国出入境检验检疫关于 技术 贸易 壁垒的实施 问题研究

  • Technical Barriers to Trade and the Present International Trade ; On Harm & Countermeasures of Illegal TBT

    技术 贸易 壁垒(TBT)与当代国际贸易非法技术性贸易壁垒的危害性分析及对策研究

  • Long-term Equilibrium Effect on Technical Barriers to Trade to China 's Export Trade

    技术 贸易 壁垒对出口贸易的长期均衡效应

  • Export situation of aluminum pro le semis of Chinese mainland and analysis on technical barriers

    中国铝型材出口情况和 技术 壁垒分析

  • The NAFTA agreement covers trade in goods technical barriers to trade government procurement investment and services .

    北美自由贸易协议包括货物贸易、贸易之 技术 壁垒、政府采购、投资和服务。

  • Technical Barriers to Trade ( to be notified to the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade )

    技术 贸易 壁垒(向技术性贸易壁垒委员会作出通知)

  • Impact of Technical Barriers on Export : China 's Examination

    技术 贸易 壁垒对出口贸易的影响:中国的检验

  • Recent years technical barriers to trade have gradually become a new trade barrier because of its rationality and necessity .

    技术 贸易 壁垒以其自身 存在的合理性和必要性,逐渐成为了 阻碍国际贸易发展的新壁垒形式。

  • Technical Barriers and Technical Innovation : International Differences of Institutional Arrangements

    技术 壁垒与技术创新激励& 贸易 壁垒制度安排的国别差异

  • Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights of Members under the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade with respect to measures not within the scope of this Agreement .

    对不在本协议范围之内的措施,本协议不应影响各成员在 技术 贸易 壁垒协议项下所享有的权利。

  • The article said while technical barriers do exist they are not insuperable .

    文章称,尽管 技术上的 障碍确实存在,但它们却不是完全不可克服的。