



  • But Yulin has allowed the Black Dragon Temple to affiliate itself with the government-sponsored Taoist Association .

    但是榆林允许黑龙潭庙加入由政府资助的 道教协会,这就给他了合法的外衣。

  • Taoist arts are civil secular popular and grass-rooted and has a distinct meaning of vulgarity .


  • The analysis of the key idea of Wu Yun 's Taoist aesthetic thoughts - Life is to be valued .

    着重分析了吴筠 道教美学思想的重点&贵生美。

  • Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery .

    中国 道士流派,要求追随老子的教义但是也混合着泛神论和巫术。

  • A definition of Landscape in Taoist Temple is proposed so is the significance of the study on it and the relationship between it and Taoism is described .

    提出道观园林的概念,阐述了道观园林和道教的关系,提出了研究 道观园林的意义。

  • The newly-appeared Buddhist and Taoist dances also became important types of Chinese religious dance .

    佛、 舞蹈之兴起,形成为我国宗教舞蹈的又一重要门类。

  • While Neo-Confucianism incorporated Buddhist and Taoist ideas many Neo-Confucianists strongly oppose Buddhism and Taoism .

    虽然道学纳入佛教和 道教的思想,许多新儒家强烈反对佛教和道教。

  • Indeed they rejected the Buddhist and Taoist religions .

    事实上,他们拒绝了佛教和 道教的宗教。

  • Emphasis was placed on the spiritual qualities of the painting and on the ability of the artist to reveal the inner harmony of man and nature as perceived according to Taoist and Buddhist concepts .

    重点放在了绘画的精神特质和艺术家的能力,揭示了人与自然的内在和谐,自觉按照 道教和佛教的概念。

  • The reclusive lives of Taoist poets expressed their ideals free from vulgarity and their pursuit of artistic life .

    唐代 道教诗人的隐逸生活中,表现出超凡脱俗的时代理想和艺术化的人生追求。

  • That 's the Taoist Culture Scenic Area over there .

    那边就是 道家文化景区了。

  • Taoist has deeply influenced China 's modern writers .

    道家 思想对中国现代作家产生了深远的影响。

  • The most common graphic representation of Taoist theology is the circular Yin Yang figure .


  • Most monks and Taoist priests wore yellow dress .

    大多数僧人和 道士穿黄色袍子。

  • Fields of specialization include Chinese religions Taoist studies Buddhist studies biblical studies Christian Studies Christianity in china and religion education and society .

    专研范围中国宗教研究、 道教研究、佛教研究、圣经研究、基督教研究中国基督教研究及宗教、教育与社会。

  • Taoist architecture is the carrier of taoist culture and taoist thought .


  • Taoist exploration of humanity focuses on the analysis and explanation of human nature .

    摘要 道家时于人性的探讨,重在于分析和说明人的本性。

  • Five weak points in present study are proposed : the concepts of Taoism and Taoist are confused ;

    提出现状存在的五个问题:道教和 道家的概念不清;

  • There are many similarities between humanistic psychology and the taoist theory of moral quality .

    人本主义心理学与 道家 思想的人格理论有很多相似相通之处。

  • This is attributed to the World view System composed by Taoist Immortal Human beings and Ghosts .

    连城正一 之所以能在变异中保持正统地位根源于 道教所构建的“神、仙、人、鬼”的世界观体系。

  • The close relationship between Taoist doctrine and the succession of Taoist schools standardizes the succession of Taoism .


  • Mount Wudang and its Taoist buildings have been listed as world cultural heritage sites .

    装载武当和它的 道教建筑已经被列为世界文化遗产地。

  • Taoism inheritances and develop the Taoist idea and gives it the color of theology .

    道教继承和发展了 道家 思想,赋予 以神学论色彩。

  • Buddhist and Taoist temples can be found all over the mountain .

    山上 寺观

  • It as the unification and development as well as an integration of Confucian moral state theory and Taoist aesthetic one is of great significance in theory and values .

    它是儒家道德境界论和 道家审美境界 的综合和发展,同时实现了 、境界论的统一,具有 世俗的理论意义和价值取向。

  • Then we visited a Taoist temple .


  • The Taoist belief of immortals is closely related with the Chinese folk beliefs .


  • Oh isn 't this a Taoist temple ?

    啊,这不就是一座 道观嘛?

  • Lingyun consists of Taoist Culture Area Buddhist Culture Area Confucius Culture Area .

    景区由 道教文化游览区,佛教文化游览区,儒家文化游览区组成。