take the road

[tek ði rəʊd][teik ðə roʊd]


  • Take the road which skirts round the village not the one which goes through it .

    围绕村边的 ,别走穿过村庄的那

  • The unpaid debt will lead to the bankruptcy of all banks which will have to be nationalized and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism .

    违约的债务将导致所有银行破产,这些银行不得不国有化,那么这个国家也将不得不 上最终走向社会主义 道路

  • Take the road that branches to the right .

    右边的那条 岔道

  • Take the road from Cape Town to explore the lush green wine country and don 't forget to grab a few bottles along the way .

    开普敦出发前往富饶而绿意盎然的葡萄酒乡一探究竟,别忘了 顺路带回几瓶!

  • Both positive and negative historical experiences tell us peace does not easily come by and all countries in the world should take the road of peaceful development ;

    正反两方面的历史经验昭示我们:和平来之不易,世界各国都应该 和平发展 道路

  • The principle of our company is to take the road of offering wholehearted service and creating fine-quality and Brand-name products .

    本公司的宗旨是 竭诚服务 道路,创优质名牌产品。

  • At present some mistakes should he corrected so as to give the theory a new time connotation and take the road of scientific development .

    对于以经济建设为中心,当前要纠正在实践上的一些偏颇,赋予其理论上新的时代内涵, 科学发展

  • The reforms are as follows : to accelerate the introduction of mature international approach improve legal system and fair environment for competition and take the road of diversification in finance .

    综合改革方向:加快引进国际成熟的办法,健全法制和公平竞争环境, 融资主体多元化 道路

  • All peasants now farming individually will eventually take the road resolutely chosen by these three poor peasant households .

    一切个体经营的农民,终归是 这三户贫农所坚决地选择了 道路的。

  • It is China 's unshakable national commitment and strategic choice to take the road of peaceful development .

    和平发展 道路,是中国坚定不移的国家意志和战略抉择。

  • Actually enters the new curriculum to imagine not likely that difficultly once becomes the new teacher again did not want to take the road back this was the new curriculum charm .

    其实,走进新课程并不象想象的那么困难,一旦成为新型的教师,就再也不想 回头 了,这就是新课程的魅力。

  • If you take the road on the left you 'll come to the post office .

    如果你 左边的 ,就会到邮局。

  • In a world where everyone is trying to be like someone else it takes great amount of courage to take the road less traveled .

    在一个大家都想成为别人的世界中,需要很大勇气才能 少有人走

  • Terms of the derivatives themselves are of traditional industries traditional industries to develop there must be innovative and take the road of brand development .

    就衍生品而言,本身都属传统行业,传统产业要发展就一定要创新, 品牌发展

  • ` Take the road you came ' she answered ensconcing herself in a chair with a candle and the long book open before her .

    顺你来 回去好啦,她回答,仍然安坐在椅子上,面前一支蜡烛,还有那本摊开的大书。

  • The Development of the Library Cause must Take the Road of Reform and Innovation

    发展图书馆事业必须 改革创新

  • We have a stable and reliable quality and take the road of serialization and professionalism our objective is a model for the industry !

    我们一向以稳定可靠的品质、 系列化和专业化 道路,我们的目标是为行业典范!

  • Civil Order without Law : Take the Road of Director Xu 's Family as the Breakthrough Point

    无需法律的民间秩序& 许主任家 为切入点

  • To take the road to socialism is to realize common prosperity step by step .

    社会主义 道路,就是要逐步实现共同富裕。

  • If we start from the proposition of historical idealism that human nature is selfish then we will definitely arrive at the wron conclusion that we should institute privatization and take the road of capitalism .

    如果从“人的本性是自私的”这一历史唯心主义命题出发来分析改革,则必然得出“实行私有化, 资本主义 道路”的错误结论。

  • Because young Yantian predecessors did not dare to take the road travelled they break making up !

    因为年轻,盐田人 敢闯前人没走过 ,他们披荆斩棘,奋力开拓!

  • The conclusion is that it 's a scientific decision-making for survival and development for the steel enterprises which followed by the low-carbon policies take the road of low-carbon economy .

    认为,钢企紧跟低碳政策、 走低碳经济 道路是其生存与发展的科学决策。

  • Persevere in the Party 's absolute leadership over the army and take the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics .

    (七)坚持党对军队的绝对领导, 中国特色的精兵

  • Take the road ahead and love the ride .

    上前面 道路,享受这次旅行吧。

  • Innovate Thought and Take the Road to Develop the Military Hospital with Chinese Characteristics

    创新的思维 中国特色的军队医院发展

  • I am afraid of going through that wood ; I 'll take the road .

    我害怕穿过那个树林,我要 大路

  • China 's education should take the road of industrialized management .

    中国教育要 产业化经营 道路

  • In order to adapt market development requirements and seek bigger development opportunities the folklore-based tourism must take the road of industrialization .

    为适应市场发展的要求,寻求更大的发展空间,民俗风情旅游必须 产业化发展 道路

  • As a completely new bourgeois revolution the British one made Britain take the road to the development of capitalism and rise rapidly .

    作为全新的资产阶级革命,它使英国此后便 上了发展资本主义 道路,迅速崛起;