tail of muscle

[tel ʌv ˈmʌsəl][teil ɔv ˈmʌsl]

[医] 肌尾

  • Experiment result shows : Small tail Han goat has the Characters of good eating function rapid growth high reward of feed heavy body weight heavy net pork weight high index of three area of eye muscle .

    本试验表明,小 寒羊采食性能好,生长快,饲料报酬高,胴体重、净肉重、 眼肌面积三项指标最高, 陕北白绒山羊和黄淮山羊比较 差异极显著(P<0.01)。

  • Conclusion Na_2ATP could counteract the effect of tail suspension on changes of expression of MHC in intrafusal and extrafusal fibers of rats soleus muscle .

    结论Na2ATP注射液对 尾部悬吊大鼠比目鱼 梭内、外肌纤维MHC表型转化有明显的对抗作用。

  • Objective To investigate the effects of different time periods of tail suspension and chronic low frequency stimulation ( CLFS ) on discharges of muscle spindle and muscle atrophy .

    目的观察在吊 的不同时期(3、7、14d)及吊 加慢性低频电刺激(CLFS)14d 比目鱼 梭的传入放电有何改变。

  • Conclusion The results indicate that tail suspension produces muscle atrophy and decreases discharges of muscle spindle and both changes can be prevented by CLFS .

    结论本研究结果提示 模拟失重可引起肌肉萎缩及 梭的传入放电减少,而慢性低频电刺激可以部分地对抗这些变化。

  • Conclusion The tail suspension may result in loss of muscle mass and changes in morphological structure of the rat soleus muscle .

    结论 尾部悬吊可致大鼠比目鱼 萎缩,光镜结构和超微结构出现 异常改变。