tactical range

[ˈtæktɪkəl rendʒ][ˈtæktɪkəl reindʒ]


  • The dynamic performance for weapon is the one of important tactical technical index of shooting range appraisal and type test assessment system .

    武器装备动态性能是 靶场鉴定、定型试验评定系统的重要 战术技术指标之一。

  • According to operational characteristics of antiship missile and the tactical technical performance of short range and point defense missile weapon systems the station of air defence and the early warning least distance of antimissile in ship formation are analyzed .

    根据反舰导弹的作战运用特点及 近程点防御导弹武器系统的 战术技术性能,分析研究了舰艇编队的对空防御队形、编队反导弹最小预警距离。

  • The solid propellant B-611 seems to have been designed for low-cost tactical army use with a range limited to250 km .

    固体推进剂B-611已经设计用于低-成本 战术陆军使用,具有一个限制到250公里的 射程

  • Demonstration on main technical and tactical of self defense jammer for range test

    试用自卫式干扰机主要 性能论证

  • In1953 the first tactical missile using a storable propellant ( nitric acid and carbon-hydrogen fuel ) the R-11 was created with a range of270 km .

    1953年,第一种使用可贮存推进剂(硝酸和碳氢燃料)的 战术导弹R-11被研制出来, 射程270千米。

  • Midcourse guidance strategy for tactical medium or long range missile

    远程 战术导弹中制导策略

  • The Study of Firing Accuracy and Firing Accuracy Tactical & Technical Requirement Reasoning for Long Range Gunnery System

    远程炮武器系统射击精度研究与射击精度 技指标论证

  • The longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics of tactical missiles for the conventional and canard configuration can be calculated using this method at Mach number range from 0 to 3.5 angle of attack and yawing angle from 0 to 20 degrees .

    本方法可用于计算来流马赫数为0到3.5左右、攻角和侧滑角为0°到20° 左右、正常式或鸭式布局的 战术弹纵、横向气动力系数。

  • Basing on navigation error model this paper deduces a simplified algorithm to calculate the impact of the initial alignment errors on the SINS guidance errors of short range tactical weapons by neglecting gravitation change and initial low velocity in a reasonable precision range .

    本文基于初始对准误差引起的惯性导航误差模型,针对近程 战术武器系统,在一定精度 范围 ,忽略引力变化和发射时载体的初始速度,推导出初始对准误差对惯性制导误差影响的简化算法。

  • Discussion on Quality Control Method of Tactical Missile Flight Test in Range

    战术导弹 靶场飞行试验质量管理方法探讨