




  • Tack the sleeves on then sew them up .

    缝上 袖子,然后再把他们缝制好。

  • Tack them together with a 1.5 cm seam

    用1.5厘米的 针脚将它们 暂时缝上。

  • The helmsman could tack the boat singlehanded .

    舵手独自一人就能变换 航向

  • I 'm getting the pieces square in a small jig and will tack them up .

    我收到的作品平方米,在一个很小的跳汰机,并会 起来。

  • She had recently taken a canvas from the theater and tacked it up on the wall .

    她最近从剧院拿回一幅油画, 图钉 在了墙上。

  • I ask for the tuna and tack on some soup to keep her company .

    我自己点了金枪鱼, 还要了份汤,就为陪着她。

  • Peter : Yes . I 've already found a new manager . She 's as sharp as a tack .

    对。我已经找到了一个新的经理。她非常 聪明

  • Gradually however policymakers have changed tack .

    然而,决策者逐渐改变了 策略

  • Cut the interfacings and underlining and tack them to the wrong side of the sleeve .

    裁衬布和衬里并 粗缝到袖了的反面。

  • Tack the cord around the cushion .


  • Wal-Mart is taking a different tack .

    沃尔玛则采取了不同的 方式

  • People think I use everything from Blu Tack to Velcro to steel rods .

    人们认为我用了各种东西,从蓝丁 到魔术贴到钢条。

  • Scientists and governments need to change tack .

    科学家和政府需要改变 策略

  • They may also influence other adhesive properties such as tack open-and set-time etc.

    它们也可影响粘合剂的其他性能,如 粘性、开放时间和固化时间等。

  • Humour didn 't work so he tried a different tack .

    幽默不起作用,所以他试用了一种不同的 手段

  • Joe hammer a tack into the wall to hang a picture .

    乔用锤子把一只 大头 敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。

  • We were sailing on starboard tack .

    我们正 右舷行驶。

  • We are going to have a new tack on the policy .

    政策方面我们将做新的 调整

  • In some ways this is a relatively new tack .

    从某种意义上说, 香港 选择了一个新的 发展 方向

  • You 'd better just tack down the edge of the carpet people keep tripping over it .

    你最好把地毯边 ,人们老在上面绊脚。

  • In desperation I changed tack

    我走投无路,于是改变了 策略

  • He had tacked this note to her door

    图钉 这张便条 她的门上。

  • I sighed and took another tack .

    我叹了口气开始采取了 一种 思路

  • Some states have taken the opposite tack .

    有些州采取了与之相反的 策略

  • This report takes a different tack from the 20 that have come before .

    这份报告和此前的20份报告采取的 思路不同。

  • When it came thirty cents he pinned it up in his trailer brass-headed tack in each corner .

    明信片到了,三十美分成。他把它贴在我自己车里,四个角用黄铜 大头 住。

  • I went too far at the left . I should tack half way of the left .

    我在左面走的太远了,我应该在左面走到一半时就 迎风

  • He took a similar tack at an afternoon picnic with union members in Monroe .

    他采取了类似的 在一下午的野餐与工会成员在梦露。

  • Our last trip involved a coastal passage tacking east against wind and current

    我们上次旅行时 曾经 沿着海岸, 风浪向东 曲折 航行

  • We were tacking fairly close inshore

    我们沿着近海岸 曲折 航行