tank oil

[经] 商品油

  • Study on System Simulation of Vapor Phase in Liquid Cargo Tank for Oil Tanker

    现代 油船货舱气相系统仿真研究

  • No - Tank Oil And Gas Gathering & Treating Processes

    气收集与处理的无 流程

  • The Tank Oil level Measurement Improved

    陕北 石油 秩序 原油 储罐液位测量方法的改进

  • Researched are pool fires and explosive steam clouds formerly occurring in a certain oil depot tank lorry or oil tank farm and quantitative analysis is conducted on their risks .

    通过对池火灾和爆炸性蒸汽云的研究,对油库 槽车油库罐区的危险性进行定量分析。

  • Corrosion failure analysis of aluminum alloy floats for a gasoline tank in oil storage factory

    汽油 铝合金浮筒失效分析浮筒式垂直升船机

  • Remark : liquid bulk cargo means cargo loaded in liquid tank of oil tanker bulk chemical carrier and liquid gas carrier .

    备注:散装液态货物是指 油船、散化船、液化气船液 货舱所载的货物。

  • This study shows that the simulation model can be used as a theoretical analysis means for studying lubricating oil flow performance of tank transmission oil system as well as other transmission lubricating system .

    该研究为 坦克及其它车用传动装置 润滑系统的流动性能提供了一种有效的理论分析手段和仿真方法。

  • The circuit-breaker is generally immersed in a tank of oil .

    断路器一般浸在 油罐

  • Firstly this article through carried on the scanning to this fuel tank oil clay model to obtain its three dimensional spot coordinates data ;

    首先本文通过对该 油箱 油泥模型进行扫描获得了其三维点坐标数据;

  • The installation of expansion oil pipe of inner floating roof tank oil piping is different with that of dome roof tank oil piping .

    内浮顶 油罐 输油管路胀油管的安装不同于拱顶罐胀油管的安装。

  • To begin with you fill the tank with oil .

    首先,你往 油箱 注满

  • Finite element analysis of dynamics on ventilating system of liquid cargo tank for oil tanker


  • Large storage tank includes oil storage tank and liquid chemical product storage tank .

    大型 贮罐 设计包括 石油 产品和液体化工产品贮罐设计。

  • Aiming to solve the corrosion problems of water injection sewage system and oil tank in oil field 8701 type coating cured at ordinary temperature is developed .

    针对 油田注水、污水系统及原油 储罐所遇到的腐蚀问题,研制出了8701常温固化防腐涂料。

  • Failure Analysis of Wool Degras Coating for Ballast Tank of Oil Ship on Ocean

    海上 储油船压载 羊毛脂涂层失效的分析

  • Prevent the corrosion and rust of the tank and oil nozzle .

    防止 油箱 喷油嘴的生锈与腐蚀。

  • As anticorrosive paint for hull under water water ballast tank and crude oil tank etc.

    主要用于船壳水下部分及压载 舱等部位的防腐漆。

  • Calculate the number loading and unloading and storage tank volume oil facilities .

    计算出储 油罐容积、个数、装卸 设施。

  • Cleaning the rement oil of the ship equipments such as oil tank oil cabin pipeline boat yard and desk etc.

    清除船舶设备的油污,如 油罐舱、管道、船坞和甲板等。

  • This system includes fuel oil tank fuel oil pump fuel oil hand pump auxiliary engine daily service tank piping and valves .

    本系统由燃油 燃油 驳运泵、燃油手摇泵、辅机日用油柜、管路及阀件等组成。

  • Explicating corrosion reasons and types of oil storage tank in oil refinery plant it introduces corrosion situation at oil storage tank bottom and wall and analyzes mechanism of the corrosion .

    论述了 炼油厂储 油罐腐蚀的原因、类型,介绍了油罐罐底和罐壁的腐蚀情况,分析了储油罐腐蚀的机理。

  • Production distribution along horizontal oil well . Hidden Trouble of Horizontal Tank Oil Truck and its Countermeasures

    水平井产量分布反演 原油运输车辆存在的隐患及对策分析

  • Main products : oil tank oil tube oiler support oil pump oil applying wheel etc.

    产品主要结构: 油箱油管、安装支架、油泵总成及涂油轮等组成。

  • Sludge from oil tank and oil ship contains high hydrocarbon content which can be recovered .

    船底泥、 底泥的碳氢化合物含量高,具有较高的资源回收价值;

  • Coating material of epoxy coal tar has been prolonged in the fields of corrosion protection for long distance pipeline metal storage tank and oil field facilities .

    环氧煤沥青涂料用于长输管道、金属 储罐以及 油田设备防腐经久不衰。

  • Ballast water treatment system As antirust paint for water ballast tank and crude oil tank .

    压舱油污水处理系统主要用于压载 原油舱等部位的防腐漆。

  • Effect of residual amount of amniotic fluid after premature rupture of membranes on mother and infant residual tank oil

    胎膜早破后残余羊水量对母婴的影响 折算地面条件下的残余

  • The first thing you have to do is topping up the tank with oil .

    你得做的第一件事是灌满 油箱

  • This paper introduces a kind of digital measuring method by setting one or many sensors inside the tank of oil water powder or grain and to gain the result by compare the measure result with the numbers stored in the computer .

    提出一种将一个或多个压力传感器置入 油罐、水罐、粉 、粒 内,使物料直接压在压力传感器上,经与多个测量阈值比较后得出测量结果的数字化测量方法。