


  • In chapter 5 the author construct a fault diagnosis model with ANN by an experiment on the rotor test-bed which is an ANN application of fault diagnoses of tail-wagging mechanism system . It is a precise NN by validation .

    第5章介绍了神经网络在 高速 旋转 机械系统故障诊断中的应用,通过在一个转子试验台的试验,用神经网络构造了一个故障模型,经验证,该网络 可以正确的诊断故障。

  • With the technology of AMB is known and mastered gradually AMB will be applied to these fields far and wide : aviation and space flight vacuum technology machine tool and tail-wagging engine energy source and traffic and so on .

    随着主动磁轴承技术逐渐被人们认识和掌握,主动磁轴承将广泛地应用于以下领域:航空航天领域、真空技术领域、机床与 高速 旋转机械、能源交通等。