


  • There must be no revival of the Chen Tu-hsiu type of tailism which is a reflection of bourgeois reformism in the ranks of the proletariat .

    陈独秀 尾巴 主义的复活是不能容许的,这是资产阶级改良主义在无产阶级队伍中的反映。

  • This negates the leading role of the Party and encourages tailism . Few can deny the impact of his leadership .

    否定了党的领导作用,助长 尾巴 主义几乎 没有 能否定他的领导作用。

  • The fight against closed-doorism and adventurism and also against tailism is essential to the accomplishment of the party 's tasks .

    向关门主义和冒险主义、同时又向 尾巴 主义作斗争,是执行党的任务的必要的条件。

  • Just because this ordinary-looking young man Ke Tso-fu always began by accusing people of rightism or tailism she felt that he must be right in whatever he said .

    因为那平淡无奇的克佐甫开头就 指斥右倾, 指斥 尾巴 主义蔡真觉得克佐甫总是什么都对的。

  • Now that the general strike of the silk factories has reached a critical stage the first thing we must do is to overcome this sort of tailism !

    现在丝厂总罢工到了一个严重的时期,首先得克服这 尾巴 主义

  • We are opposed to tailism but we are also opposed to adventurism and impetuosity .

    我们反对 尾巴 主义,但又反对冒险主义和急性玻。