


  • Baby blue taffeta ten yards in the skirt and foamy with cascading lace ;

    有的 穿浅蓝色 后面 着十码长带 波浪 花边的裙裾;

  • We can offer silk taffeta and manmade silk taffeta with high quality and favourable price welcome to inquire .

    长期提供 各种 染色真丝 电力 和仿真丝电力纺。品质保证,价格 合理。欢迎垂询。

  • A dress made in a soft flowing fabric such as silk chiffon will look very different from the same dress style constructed in a stiff taffeta fabric .

    同样款式的服装他用柔软而具有流动感的薄绸制作与 使用硬挺的 塔夫 制作,看上去会有较大的区别。

  • This wine reminded Rabelais the great writer of the16th century of taffeta a silky and delicate fabric .

    这种酒在16世纪法国作家 RaBelais的笔下被比喻成一种精美的丝织品。

  • I remember my Mammy always said when she went to heaven she wanted a red taffeta petticoat so stiff that it would stand by itself

    我记得我的奶妈老是说她喜欢红色的 平纹裙,硬的能够自己站起来

  • Coated Waterproof products with high density polyester taffeta as the substrate show fairly good functions in wind resistance water repellency permeability and hygroscopicity as well as soft hand touch and excellent resilience .

    以高密度涤纶 塔夫 为基布的防水涂层产品,具有较好的防风、透气、防水和透湿等多种功能,并且手感柔软,富有弹性。

  • They whispered to one another about the taffeta lining and about little mouse tippets .

    切切私语着 塔夫 的衬里还有关于老鼠的小披肩。

  • This pink taffeta princess dress was very atypical for red carpet attire at the time and some critics complained that the top looked ill-fitting .

    这件 粉色公主裙 出现在奥斯卡红地毯上显得十分别出心裁。即使有人批评这件长裙的上身看上去很别扭,不合体。

  • Te : Of course except velvet and taffeta all can be worn .

    (当然可以了。除了天鹅绒和 塔夫 外,其它 料子 衣服都可以穿。)

  • The article presents procedures recipes conditions and results of the pretreatment process of polyester taffeta on MCS continuous scouring machine as well as factors influencing the results .

    介绍了涤纶 塔夫 在MCS连续精练机 上前处理工艺 包括工艺流程、处方及工艺条件、结果,还有影响前处理效果的因素。

  • Viscose rayon filament fabric ( taffeta )

    粘纤长丝纱线织物( 平纹

  • Rotary Screen Engraving of Special Pattern for Nylon Taffeta and Its Printing Technique

    尼龙 塔夫 特殊花型圆网制作及印花技术

  • Typically the men are dazzling in their full-length gowns of taffeta or silk while their wives sport fake mustaches and Armani tuxedos .

    变装的男人们穿着 绫罗绸缎或丝绸长袍,他们的妻子们戴着假胡须和男人小礼服。

  • He immediately wrote a letter asking his brother Etienne to come with a large supply of taffeta and rope .

    他立即写了一封信,要求他的弟弟艾蒂安来大量供应 塔夫 和绳子。

  • Taffeta and ordering products at home and abroad .

    塔夫 及国内外订购产品。

  • Here the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge .

    在这里,魔鬼穿着 塔夫 和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。

  • Trueran yarn-dyed poplin quilted rayon taffeta robe

    人造 丝塔府绸绗缝长袍

  • Rayon taffeta frock in draped overskirt Her dress was of silk tissue .


  • She was wearing a strapless taffeta evening gown .

    她穿了件无吊带的 塔夫 晚礼服。

  • Designing Methods of Taffeta Granular Effect

    塔夫 颗粒效应的设计

  • Melly wore white organdy and Aunt Helen wore black taffeta but their jewelry was made of rhinestones .

    梅利穿着白色 丝纱,海伦姨妈穿着黑色波纹稠,但是她们的珠宝都是绚烂多彩的。

  • Changeable taffeta ; chatoyant ( or shot ) silk ; a dragonfly hovered vibrating and iridescent .

    变色 塔夫 ;变色丝;一只蜻蜓盘旋着,振动着闪光的翅膀。