

  • The Statistic Analysis and Design Improvement to the Breakdown of T4 / T5 Electronic Energy-saving Fluorescent lamp


  • If TSH is high and the T4 is normal the diagnosis is subclinical hypothyroidism .

    如果TSH水平升高而 T4 水平正常,诊断为亚临床甲状腺功能减退症。

  • This means it will use MRF for scrollable cursors only if the server supports it for T4 and T2u .

    这意味着如果服务器在 T4和T2u上支持它,将仅对可滚动游标使用MRF。

  • Methods The levels of T3 T4 and TSH in98 patients suffering from chronic pulmonary heart disease were detected before and after treatment and compared with control group .

    方法分别测定98例肺心病患者急性发作期治疗前后血清 甲状腺激素水平并与对照组比较。

  • Effect of initial substrate concentrations and pH on hydrogen production from xylose with Clostridium butyricum T4

    初始底物浓度及pH对丁酸梭菌 T4发酵木糖产氢的影响

  • T3 and T4 concentrations were little affected by iodine addition level ( P > 0.05 ) .

    碘的添加对血清T3、 T4浓度没有显著影响(P>0.05)。

  • T4 It goes to this one it comes back to t4 and it comes back here .


  • At the hospital tests revealed an advanced form of T4 squamous cell carcinoma an oral cancer .

    在医院里,检查显示为 T4扁平细胞癌的恶化状态,即口腔癌。

  • Display of the Carboxyl Terminus Gene Fragment of Porcine circovirus Type 2 ( PCV2 ) Capsid Protein on the T4 Bacteriophage Surface

    猪圆环病毒Ⅱ(PCV2)衣壳蛋白羧基端基因在 T4噬菌体表面的展示

  • Compared with that of the pay stubs to prepare the T4 slips was obviously easier .

    与准备工资单相比,准备 收入单就容易多了。

  • The more reactionary their content and the higher their artistic quality the more poisonous they are to the people and the more necessary it is to reject them . The smaller the babies were the lower the T4 at birth and thereafter .

    内容愈反动的作品而又愈带艺术性,就愈能毒害人民,就愈应该排斥。出生体重愈小者,其 甲状腺素愈低而 愈高。

  • T4 a code generator that comes with VS2008 is slowly but surely gaining ground .

    这个和 VS2008一起发布的代码生成器,正在缓慢但是坚定地赢得大家的认可。

  • Analysis of Serum T3 to T4 Ratio in Graves ' Thyrotoxicosis and Subacute Thyroiditis

    血清T3与 T4的比值对Graves病甲亢与亚甲炎引起的甲状腺毒症的分析

  • T4 and T3 concentration in the serum of Holstein cows at peak .

    本研究采用放射免疫法,测定了中国荷斯坦牛泌乳盛、中、后期血清中 T4和T3浓度。

  • Using PEG double-antibody radioimmunoassay method for determination of serum T4 level of rats .

    用PEG双抗体放免分析法测定大鼠血清 T4水平。

  • T4 and Neurospora crassa AS 3.1602 were selected for their capacity of producing melanin on five different culture media .

    从中选取了 T4和NeurosporacrassaAS31602,比较了二者利用5种不同培养基产黑色素的能力。

  • In the second step the T4 engine compiles the transformation class into an assembly and executes the code generating an output text file .

    第二个步骤是 T4的引擎编译转换类为一个程序集并执行该代码,以产生了输出文本文件。

  • Relationship between Serum Free T4 ( FT4 ) Level and Dyslipidemia in Healthy Euthyroid Subjects

    甲状腺功能正常者血清游离 甲状腺素与血脂紊乱的相关性分析

  • A covalent enzyme-substrate intermediate with saccharide distortion in a mutant T4 lysozyme .

    在一个群从变型 T4溶菌酶中的一个带有糖变形的共价酶-底物中间物。

  • Treatment is necessary when TSH is10 or more regardless of the T4 level .

    无论 T4水平如何,当TSH达到甚至高于10时,治疗是必要的。

  • Until now researchers did not know how T4 or any other virus accomplished the DNA packaging .

    直到现在,研究人员也清楚 T4或者其他的病毒是如何完成DNA包装的。

  • In the first step the T4 engine uses the text template to generate a temporary transformation class .

    第一个步骤是 T4的引擎使用文本模板生成一个临时的转换类。

  • There 's also a helpful tip for evaluating postpartum depression : Consider the thyroid and check TSH T4 and thyroid antibodies .

    考虑甲状腺功能、检测TSH、 T4和甲状腺抗体对于产后抑郁症的评估也是一个有用的提示。

  • This paper has developed a preliminary thinking of the exhaust temperature T4 correction for the thermodynamic performance of gas turbine set .

    本文提出了对燃气轮发电机组的热力性能进行排气温度 T4修正的初步设想。

  • Requirements were programmed output t1 t2 t3 t4 time of memory free zone status .

    要求编程序分别输出t1、t2、t3、 t4时刻内存的空闲区的状态。

  • T4 and T2u may elect to use MRF for forward only cursors in the future .

    在未来, T4和T2u可能选择仅对单进游标使用MRF。

  • Application of 3-D geological modeling in horizontal well exploitation in Daqing T4 Oilfield

    三维地质建模在大庆 T4油田水平井开发中的应用

  • Vascular skeletonization of hepatic hilum should be an essential procedure in surgical treatment of T3 T4 gallbladder carcinoma

    肝门血管骨骼化应成为T3, T4胆囊癌手术治疗的常规步骤

  • RIAServices . T4 – This is a replacement for the normal T4 code generator that allows you to plug in your own custom code generator .

    T4-这是一个正常的 T4代码生成器的替代方案,可让你插入到自己的自定义代码生成器。