syntactic model

[sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈmɑdl][sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈmɔdəl]


  • This paper think the main reason of ambiguity in the syntactic analysis model is that the function type of Chinese words and phrases must not accurately reflect the syntactic function according to the theory of standard grammar of the phrase .

    本文通过对 描述汉语的词组本位 语法 分析,认为歧义的产生是由于汉语词和短语的功能类型没有准确地反映其句法功能。

  • It takes position word and location word as one syntactic semantic mark of Chinese category of space time analysis and describes the semantic system construct an analysis model .

    把方位词、处所词作为汉语时空范畴下的一个重要 法语义标志,深入语义内部,进行系统的语义分析和描写,建立方位词、处所词语义组合 模型

  • In this thesis the author makes a tentative study on the principle of syntactic linearity in SI based on the ground of Interpretive Theory and the Effort Model .

    本文以释意理论和认知负荷 模型为理论框架来研究 同传 驱动原则。

  • Syntactic transfer a dynamic programming model for corpus based parsing

    基于语料库 句法 结构分析的动态规划 模型

  • Controversies remain on whether syntactic processing is prior to semantic processing and whether there is any interaction between syntactic processing and semantic processing in the process of sentence comprehension . Concerning these issues researchers have postulated two main theoretical hypotheses : modular model and interactive model .

    关于句法加工优先还是语义加工优先, 句法加工和语义加工在句子理解过程中有无交互作用等问题,研究者们形成了两种主要理论假设: 模块论和交互论。

  • Involves in the study of scientific model in the history of philosophy of science describes in detail of syntactic model and semantics model focuses on the relationship between theory and phenomenon .

    考察科学哲学界研究模型的历史脉络,详细阐述了 语法学的 模型观与语义学的模型观,着重介绍两种模型观在模型与理论关系上的论述。

  • These findings have promoted development of new models of sentence production such as the syntactic priming model and the model of verb 's syntactic representation .

    这些发现促使研究者提出了新的句子产生理论,如 句法启动 模型和动词句法表征模型。

  • By deleting semantic features or syntactic features one time from the original training data and testing data and then train and test the new model .

    在原来的模型中先后删除语义信息特征和 句法 信息特征, 建立 模型,训练和检验,并将检验结果与原 模型的检验结果对比。

  • The verbs ' syntactic treatment model is upon the dissective analysis of various types of verbs and their basic syntactic patterns .

    本项动词 句法 信息处理 模式是经过对不同种类的动词及其基本句法结构的仔细分析后构建出来的。

  • At first the method for constructing syntactic structure model was introduced then describes how to search the final recognition result based on syntactic structure model and initial results from speech processing part .

    首先介绍 句法结构 模型的建立,然后阐述如何基于句法结构模型分析,从语音处理的初步结果搜索出输入语句的方法。

  • We use the syntactic transitions and transitions based on cryptographic primitives or security assumptions to obtain the sequence of games begin with the initial attack game . ( 2 ) Design a formalizing description model .

    从初始攻击游戏出发,通过 语法转换和依据密码原语安全性质或安全假设的转换这两种主要转换方式来获取游戏序列。(2)构建一个密码体制形式化描述 模型

  • On the basis of Chinese syntactic analysis and semantic analysis we construct a model of Chinese context called Chinese Context Model ( CCM ) .

    在汉语 句法分析和语义分析的基础之上,本文建立了汉语上下文语境 模型CCM(ChineseContextModel,CCM)。