


  • The thief was tailed by a policeman .

    被警察 了。

  • The fireworks tailed off into darkness . The airliner faded away into the mist .


  • He found himself tailed by a detective .

    他发现自己被侦探 跟踪

  • Last year economic growth tailed off to below four percent

    去年,经济增长 下降到4%以下。

  • Two high-speed trains tailed crashed .

    两个高速列车 跟踪撞坏了。

  • They realize they are being tailed and split off in different directions at the airport .

    他们意识到被 跟踪了,在机场分散开来, 分组 行动

  • At the same time the five tailed fox are quarrelling with some aliens about a failed flying test .

    此时,五 狐和几个外星人正为飞行试验的失败而争吵。

  • The momentum for reform has tailed off as the pressure from financial markets has eased .

    由于来自金融市场的压力有所缓和,改革的动力已 日趋 减弱

  • His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air

    他的声音在 刺骨的寒风中 越来 微弱

  • The dogs trailed the rabbit . They tailed the suspect day and night .

    那几条狗追踪那只兔子。他们 日夜 追踪嫌疑犯。

  • Southbound traffic tailed back for twenty miles on the M5 near Bristol .

    在布里斯托尔附近的5号高速公路上,南行的车辆排成了绵延20英里的 长龙

  • The police tailed her to the scene of the third murder .

    警方 尾随她到第三起谋杀现场。

  • I don 't know who it was but I know we were being tailed .

    我不知道那个人是谁,但是我知道我们被 跟踪了。

  • The spy tailed the official to find out whom he was working with .

    间谍偷偷 尾随这位官员,想弄清楚他与谁一起工作。

  • His feeble excuses soon tailed off .

    他的藉口站不住脚,很快就 词儿了。

  • The actor 's voice tailed away as he forgot his lines .

    那演员忘了台词,说话的声音 越来 了。

  • As already described in this setup there is only one group per DS4500 containing the two storage nodes between which all disks on that DS4500 will be twin tailed .

    如前所述,在本例的设置中,每个DS4500只有一个组,包含两个存储节点,两节点间的所有在DS4500上的磁盘都将被twin tailed

  • Interest in the skate board tailed off .

    人们对滑冰板的兴趣 渐渐 了。

  • Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry

    在一次重大的秘密调查行动中,警察从伦敦就 上了那帮匪徒。

  • They tailed the suspect day and night .

    他们 日夜 追踪嫌疑犯。

  • When we went to the meeting place we were tailed by three plainclothes w_1061 policemen . They followed us the whole trip .

    前往会场时,我们被三名(便衣)警察 跟踪。他们尾随了我们全程。

  • The thief was being tailed by a policeman .

    这个 小偷正被警察追着。

  • Benedict 's voice tailed off then resumed .

    贝内迪克特的声音 渐渐 快听不 时又大了起来。

  • Are you having me tailed by the private eye ?

    侦探 我的 了么?

  • He trusted her so little that he had her tailed .

    他十分不信任她,所以派人 跟踪她。

  • The log file will be opened and tailed .


  • The traffic tailed back along the road for ten miles because of road repairs .

    由于公路正在修理,车辆在公路上排起了 有10哩的 长龙

  • You tailed a good citizen like me .

    一直 紧跟我这良好市民。