


v.应付解决( tackle的现在分词 )与某人交涉向某人提起(问题或困难情况)

  • But these schemes focus mostly on farm-level issues without tackling larger scales of space and time .

    但是这些方案把重点大多放在了农场层次的问题上,而没有 解决更大规模的空间和时间问题。

  • In reality it is a corrective strategy and a model for tackling other high-burden diseases .

    事实上,这是一种纠正性战略,为 应对其它高负担疾病提供了样板。

  • We are tackling some of the hardest problems in the world with this powerful tool .

    我们正在利用这个强大的工具, 解决一些世界上最困难的问题。

  • Tackling both social and biological problems together could generate life-changingresults for the Sudanese .

    生物学和社会问题一起 处理可能会改变苏丹人的生活。

  • Secondly we need a framework for tackling this problem .

    第二,我们需要构建一个框架来 解决这一问题。

  • International environmental cooperation is regarded as an effective means of tackling the global environmental problem .

    国际环境合作被认为是 解决全球环境问题的有效途径。

  • This seems to me to be a hopeful way of tackling the problem .

    我看这是 处理这个问题的有希望的方法。

  • But experience over the years ( including my own ) suggests some key ingredients for tackling international problems .

    但多年(包括我自己)的经验,提示了一些 解决国际问题的关键因素。

  • But china is not alone in tackling the challenges of economic reform .

    但中国在 迎接经济体制改革的挑战中并不是孤立的。

  • But policymakers have also been tackling inflation with some success .

    但政策制定者也一直在 治理通胀,并取得了一定成效。

  • Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada .

    普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩 木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。

  • Scientists have discovered thousands of potential new drug compounds for tackling malaria .

    科学家发现了数千种可能用于 应对疟疾的新的药物化合物。

  • Tackling these diseases constitutes one of the major challenges for sustainable development in the twenty-first century .


  • Last week the opposition rejected the government 's austerity plans for tackling Portugal 's debt crisis .

    上周,反对派否决了政府 应对葡萄牙债务危机的紧缩计划。

  • Energy issues should not be politicized still less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues .

    应该通过对话和协商 解决分歧和矛盾, 处理能源问题不能任意诉诸武力。

  • It perplexed him because he was tackling it the wrong way .

    由于 处理不当,这个问题令他大伤脑筋。

  • Tackling emerging infectious diseases has to integrate all these parameters and to come up with a global approach .


  • We need to draw on expert advice in tackling this problem .


  • Tackling these environmental challenges will require real vision and leadership .


  • This uncertainty is central to the difficulty of tackling the problem .

    处理 气候问题的首要困难正是不确定性。

  • China is a vital partner in tackling this challenge .

    中国是 应对这一挑战中的一个至关重要的合作伙伴。

  • Tackling problems in order of importance allows you to separate important jobs from the many time-wasting trivial ones .

    让你按照重要性的顺序 解决问题来将重要的工作与浪费时间的琐事相区分。

  • Effectively tackling this epidemic remains one of the world 's most pressing public health challenges .

    有效地 应对这种流行病仍然是世界上最急迫的公共卫生挑战之一。

  • These steps focus on conceptually simplifying the problem that you are tackling .

    这两步集中在概念上简化您正在 处理的问题。

  • Partnerships with a number of countries committed to tackling health inequities were established .

    与若干国家建立了伙伴关系,致力于 解决卫生不公平现象。

  • Tackling global investment and infrastructure shortfalls is crucial to lifting growth job creation and productivity .


  • Mr Monti 's challenge will be to enact a stringent austerity plan aimed at tackling Italy 's massive debt .

    蒙蒂先生的挑战将是制定严格的紧缩计划,旨在 解决意大利的巨额债务。

  • The police spent a long time tackling the hacker who ruined the network .

    警方花了很长时间 对付那个毁坏了电脑网络的黑客。