


  • Synecology of Lower Permian Qixia Formation in Hunan and Guangxi

    湘、桂 省下二叠统 栖霞组的 群体 生态

  • With the theory of synecology the characteristic on environment constitution life form spectrum diversity similarity of plots of communities were researched .

    群落 生态学 角度,对 野生喜树 所在 典型 群落 群落环境、 群落组成、群落生活型谱、群落的物种多样性特点、群落样地间相似性进行了研究;

  • The biogeography and synecology of Devonian corals from China

    中国泥盆纪珊瑚的生物地理及其 群落 生态

  • Silurian-Devonian biostratigraphy synecology and palaeobiogeography from central Jilin NE China

    吉林中部志留&泥盆纪生物地层、 群落 生态及生物古地理