


  • But up to now mythological metamorphosis has not received systematical studies at home and abroad .

    但是,到目前为止,中外神话学界还没有对神话的变形式样作 系统 研究。

  • Based on the systematical analysis on the domestic and international development of canoe slalom this research conducted a strategy research on the sustainable development of Chinese canoe slalom .


  • Excellent ability of systematical management and good analytical capability .

    有极强的 系统管理能力和良好的的分析能力。

  • The education of person is a systematical project .

    人的培养是一个 系统的工程。

  • This article presents a systematical research on the design of this neotype hybrid-structure aimed at finding an optimum agreement between the art of architecture and the structure safety in .

    本文对该新型杂交结构的设计 理论 进行 系统研究,寻求建筑美感和结构安全的最优契合点,达到积累经验、推广这类新颖、优良、雕塑感强的建筑结构的目的。

  • It is a major systematical design and innovation to establish the system of skill competition in China 's education .

    建立技能竞赛制度是我国教育工作的一项重大 制度设计与创新。

  • Marx put forward a systematical discussion on the characteristics of smallholders .

    马克思对小农的特点进行了 系统的论述。

  • I have excellent ability of systematical management .

    我有极好的 系统管理能力。

  • It is one of tile most systematical exemplifications on basic experimental procedures for optical remote sensing .

    校正场实验是光学遥感基础实验过程 较为 系统和完整的范例之一。

  • After the finish of data collection and primary data process systematical analyses were carried out to find out the countermeasure to boost the construction of technological resource capacity in Ningbo .

    在完成数据的采集和初步整理后 进行了分析,提出了促进宁波市科技资源能力建设的对策。

  • And every kind of work of the human resource administration parties concerned that have systematical .

    以及人力资源、行政相关方面的各种具有 管理 组织 的工作。

  • Systematical study on the chemical composition mineral components and embedded characteristics of iron ore is carried out .

    系统 研究了 辽宁 野猪 铁矿石的化学组成、矿物组成及嵌布特征。

  • A systematical study is made of the stability of backfill in blasting . The dynamic rheological measurements have been conducted by using ARES .

    对爆破动载下充填体稳定性进行了 系统研究。对不同 体系的样品进行了动态流变特性的测试。

  • Through the systematical introductions of capital structure theories the paper provides the beneficial reference to the financing structure of the enterprises in our country .

    通过对资本结构理论的 评述,以期对我国企业的融资结构提供有益的参考。

  • This paper makes a deep and systematical research on tension control in printing machineries taking gravure printing machine as an object .

    本文以凹版印刷机为对象,对印刷机械中纸料的张力控制技术进行了深入与 系统的研究。

  • Base on systematical analyzing anqing agricultural potential resource directed by theory of sustainable development and concept of system the thesis constructs the developable pattern of Anqing agricultural potential resource and advises rational exploitation of Anqing agricultural potential resource .

    论文在 系统分析安庆市农业后备资源现状的基础上,以可持续发展理论和系统思想为指导,构建安庆市农业后备资源的开发模式,并对合理开发利用安庆市农业后备资源提出了建议。

  • So it is necessary to carry out systematical research in this technology in order to form a whole design theory and construction method .

    因此对 建筑物 整体 平移 进行 深入 系统的研究,使之形成一套完整的设计理论和施工技术是很有必要的。

  • Combining with theory and practice the article makes a systematical expatiation on the commercial innovation .

    从理论和实践的结合上,对商业创新作了 比较 系统的阐述。

  • Leading work is not only the scientific and systematical management but also an art .

    摘要领导工作不仅是科学的、 系统的管理活动,同时又是一门高超的艺术。

  • The characteristics and mechanism of corrosion in the hot-water boiler heating system were systematical analysed .


  • A water quality systematical filter model and its algorithm in a shallow lake have been established .

    本文建立了浅水湖泊水质 系统滤波模型和相应算法。

  • For the present there are no special and systematical opinions on the system about trial time of civil case .

    目前,我国的民事诉讼法学缺乏对民事审限制度专门性和 系统 的研究。

  • This paper makes systematical analysis and subsumption for each error connection of main transformer 's differential protection and puts forward corresponding methods for correction .

    对变压器差动保护的各种错误接线方式进行了 系统的分析和归类,并提出了纠正的方法。

  • This thesis adopts the methods of comparative analysis systematical analysis historical analysis etc.

    本文运用比较分析、 系统分析、历史分析等方法进行研究。

  • Systematical theoritical formulae of this topic is presented and example is given .

    本文提出了此课题的 系统的计算公式,并展示出一个应用实例。

  • The Theoretical and Systematical Development of the Qualification of Plaintiff in China 's Administrative Litigation

    我国行政诉讼原告资格理论与 制度发展

  • Systematical Analysis on Prevention and Cure Strategy of Environment Pollution in China Countryside

    对我国农村环境污染防治对策的 系统分析

  • On the base of systematical analysis of rural economic system the article discusses the problems on the systematically modeling and hierarchically controlling of rural economic system and makes a chief comment on the application of economic model .

    在对农村经济 进行 系统分析的基础上,探讨农村经济系统的建模和分层控制问题,并对模型的运用作扼要说明。

  • Based on the systematical study of sedimentology some sedimentary features andfacies of the complex depositional systems in this area are emphatically described .


  • Systematical Study of Quantitative Method and Titer Determination for N-V Proteinase

    N-V蛋白酶的定量方法 系统研究与效价测定