


  • Antibacterial synergist trimethoprim was synthesized from p-cresol in an overall yield as high as40.6 % .

    对甲酚为起始原料,以总收率40.6%的高收率合成了杀菌 增效 甲氧苄啶。

  • Research on application of compound synergist in the flotation of phosphate rock

    复合 增效 在磷矿浮选中的应用研究

  • SYP synergist was on trail to improve the grade of sinter .

    为改善烧结矿品质,炼铁新厂在烧结生产中试用了 SYP烧结 增效

  • Effects of temperature and synergist on insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis

    温度和 增效 对苏云金杆菌杀虫活性的影响

  • A Study on the Toxicity of Omethoate Mixed with the Synergist SV_1

    SV1对氧化乐果杀虫剂的毒力影响与 增效研究

  • The results showed that the CRL and synergist had a good effect on remission of fluorine toxicosis of silkworm .

    其结果为CRL和 增效 有良好的解毒效果。

  • We had filtrated the condign synergist CM-101 It 's interpolative chroma is10 % ;

    筛选出适宜的 增效 CM&101,适宜的添加浓度为10%;

  • The agricultural chemicals emulsifier took one kind of agricultural chemicals synergist improved the agricultural chemicals biological activity has brought the huge benefit .

    农药乳化剂作为一种农药 增效 ,极大地提高了农药的使用效果,为农业带来了巨大的效益,可以说,农药乳化剂在农药生产和 应用中有着不可 替代 作用

  • S_2 is considered as a synergist of great exploiting prospects .

    认为S2是一个 比较有研究和开发应用前景的 卫生 杀虫剂 增效

  • Toxicology of synergist NIA16388 to susceptible strain of housefly was studied .

    以家蝇为材料,研究了 增效 NIA16388(简称NIA)对其的毒理作用。

  • Application of Bio-pesticides Synergist to Control Plutella xylostella

    生物 增效 制剂在小菜蛾防治中的应用

  • Effect of Different Synergist and Conditioner on the Yield and Quality of Slivery Bean

    不同 增效 和调理剂对白银豆产量及品质的影响

  • The subject used natural plants Flos Sophorae Immaturus and Radix Glycyrrhizae which were homology of medicine and food as the main raw materials Vc as synergist to prepare natural mixed antioxidants and a deeply research on the antioxidant activity and anti-corrosion performance was did .

    本课题以药食同源天然植物槐米和甘草为主要原料,以VC为 增效 制备天然复配抗氧化剂,对其抗氧化活性和防腐性能进行了深入的研究。

  • Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice .

    配方 增效 提高水稻植株的分蘖能力,增加干物质积累量。

  • Study on application of synergist to rice special fertilizers and its mechanism

    水稻专用配方肥 增效 的应用及其作用机理研究

  • Used as one of the main auxiliaries for synthetic detergent synergist for soap ; water softener tanning agent for leather making auxiliary for dyeing ;

    用作合成洗涤剂的主要助剂,肥皂 增效 ,制革予鞣剂,工业用水的软水剂;

  • Effects of Different Nitrogenous Fertilizer Synergist on Nitrogen Utilization Rate in Wheat and Maize

    不同氮肥 增效 对小麦玉米氮素吸收利用率的影响研究

  • Studies have been carried out on the synergist of the photoactivation pesticide δ - aminolevulinic acid (δ - ALA for short ) .

    报导了光活化农药δ-氨基乙酰丙酸(简称δ -ALA)除草 增效 的研究。

  • The action of citric acid as synergist with ether extract had researched .

    研究了 增效 柠檬酸对提取物的 增效作用;

  • The Amine Synergist for UV ink coating and painting .

    胺类 增效 用于UV油墨、涂料及油漆等领域。

  • In addition the company also produces a variety of pesticide emulsifier and synergist .

    另外本公司还生产各种规格的农药乳化剂和 增效

  • Tea saponin could be used as synergist spreader in emulsion pesticide .

    茶皂素在乳油型农药中应用,可以作为 增效、着 提高农药的施用 效果

  • Increase production result of synergist mixed with compound fertilizer

    集成 化肥 增效 与复合肥混施的增产效果研究

  • Iron salt as synergist can greatly enhance the effects of copper algicide .

    铁盐作为杀藻剂的 增效 ,能够有效地提高铜盐的除藻效果。

  • Studies on Synergist Screening and Control Effect of Osthol Powder Against Stored Grain Pests

    蛇床子素粉剂 增效 筛选及对储粮害虫防治效果研究

  • The results showed that synergist improved the contents of chlorophyll .

    结果表明, 增效 处理能提高叶绿素含量,其中处理C叶绿素含量最高,对照最低;

  • Application on fatty acid synergist in flotation

    脂肪酸 增效 在浮选中的应用

  • Application of Turpentine Oil in Synergist and Pesticide and Its Progress

    陕北石油秩序松节油在农药 增效 及杀虫剂中的应用与进展

  • The expanded experiment of cellulose of different source has further proved the efficiency and popularity of the promoter determined the optimal ratio of cellulose promoter applied in feed and proved the significant synergist promoting effect between different promoters .

    对不同来源的纤维素酶的扩大实验,进一步证明了促进剂的有效性和普遍性,确定了纤维素酶促进剂应用于饲料的最佳配比,证明了不同促进剂之间存在明显的 协同促进作用。