system conversion

[ˈsɪstəm kənˈvɚʒən][ˈsistəm kənˈvə:ʃən]


  • 40m PPC Thin Wallboard Simply Support Box-beam 's Erection Methods and System Conversion Technology

    40m公路PPC简支薄壁箱梁架设及 体系 转换施工技术

  • The paper introduces a distributed system for conversion of quantity of electricity and considerations in application .

    本文介绍了一种分布式电量 系统及应用上的处理方法。

  • A New Method of Numeral System Conversion

    一种 数制 转换的新方法

  • According to the recurrence thought of computational method we put forword the method and iterative formula of carry system counting conversion of number . In this way convenient to realize carry system counting conversion of number by using the program design of computer .

    根据计算方法中的递推思想,提出了数的一般进位 转换的方法及通用的迭代公式,这样便于用计算机程序设计来实现数的进位制转换的换算。

  • Change of Philips curve at the time of economic system conversion manifests the Chinese economical characteristic .

    其经济 体制 转轨时期的菲利普曲线变化体现出中国特色的经济特点。

  • One of the NIU 's primary functions is coordinate system conversion in order to provides us the ability to connect different areas simulators to DIS .

    为使NIU能提供把不同地域的仿真器联接到DIS中的能力,其主要功能之一就是坐标 系统 转换

  • Traditional divided by the base for the remaining few and multiplied by the base to choose integer each of which respectively calculates integer part and decimal part are being applied in the method of numbering system conversion in computer .

    计算机中 数制 转换方法一直采用传统经典的除基取余法和乘基取整法,来分别计算数的整数部分和小数部分。

  • Share System : Conversion of Enterprise Operation Mechanism and Establishment of Organisational System & Also on Defects of Contract System

    股份 :企业运行机制的 转换和组织制度的建立&兼论承包制的缺陷

  • GPS Handset Coordinate System Conversion Parameters Derivation

    手持GPS坐标 系统 转换参数求解方法的探讨

  • The two bureaus ' practice in system conversion reformation and renovation non-public forestry development scientific management etc.

    两个林业局在 机制 转变、改革创新、发展非公有制、加强科学管理等方面提供了借鉴。

  • Economy numerical control lathe master drive system frequency conversion velocity modulation transformation

    经济型数控车床主传动 系统 变频调速改造

  • From household contract responsibility system to conversion of farmland to forests peasant households had to change their land uses according to the contract .

    从家庭联产 承包退耕还林,农户根据土地契约安排在所承包的土地上做出了土地用途变更。

  • To Realize the System Conversion of Welfare Service to Operation Service On Library Service

    实现由福利服务型向经营服务型的 转变&改革国有企业生活服务 系统的探索

  • The household contract responsibility system and conversion of the farmland to forestry are two different land contract arrangements .

    摘要家庭联产 承包 退耕还林是两种不同的土地契约安排。

  • The Method of Numbering System Conversion in Computer

    计算机中 数制 转换方法

  • The difference of synchronization signal between NTSC video system and PAL video system is analyzed in detail . The circuit of NTSC / PAL system conversion is developed to deal with the problem of international technical exchange for thermal image video signal .

    详细分析了NTSC和PAL视频制式同步信号的差异,研制了NTSC/PAL视频 制式 转换电路,解决了国际间热像视频技术交流障碍的难题。

  • Aiming at the method of binary system conversion in data mining this paper defines binary system sequences set and its related concepts .

    针对在数据挖掘中采用 二进制 转换的方法,定义了二进制序列集的相关概念并为此提供依据。

  • To Realize the Display of Tap Changing Switch for Main Transformer through Adding Code System Conversion Box on Panel Terminal

    在屏端子上加装码 转换盒实现主变压器分接开关位置显示

  • Number system conversion can be achieved via compilation language programming but a number of instructions are needed .

    汇编语言程序进行 数制 转换速度快,但是需使用大量的指令语句。

  • Installation and System Conversion of 60 m Precast Box Girder of Jintang Bridge

    金塘大桥60m预制箱梁的安装与 体系 转换

  • Study on influence of system conversion of construction to deformation of PC continuous beam bridge

    结构 体系 转换对PC连续梁桥变形的影响研究

  • Supervision after system conversion is not only common but also special .

    体制 转换后的工程监理工作,具有一般水电站工程监理的共性,也有它的特殊性。

  • In the term of system conversion Chinese traditional model 's fault and limitation of Public Administrative Organization of Faculty and Stratum System should be required to be rectified and innovated .

    体制 转型期,我国传统的科层制公共行政组织模式存在明显的缺陷和局限性,要求必须对其加以矫正和改革。

  • Joint help the press corporation become large size in a short time win the advantages of time and cost and bring the long last and thorough structure reformation and system conversion .

    合并一方面能使报业集团短期内迅速扩大规模,赢得时间与成本上的优势,也带来了持久而深入的结构改革与 机制 转换

  • In this paper the conversion from hexadecimal to decimal has been constructed by numeric system conversion principle .

    本文利用 数制 转换原理,构造了超长十六进制整数到十进制整数变换的变换矩阵(T)1610;

  • Design of the hybrid energy storage system power conversion unit circuit topology the energy storage system of the compound of the working principle and developed a digital control strategy .

    设计了复合储能 系统功率 变换单元电路拓扑,阐述了该复合储能系统的工作原理并制定了数字化控制策略。

  • The Research on the China Public Finance System Conversion and Target Mode

    试论中国财政 体制 变迁 轨迹与目标模式

  • A Comparison between the Approaches to Number System Conversion for Compilation Language

    汇编语言 数制 转换方法的比较 计算机 数制之间的 转换方法

  • Construction Technology of System Conversion in Spatial Cable Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

    空间线形自锚式悬索桥 体系 转换施工技术