system development

[ˈsɪstəm dɪˈvɛləpmənt][ˈsistəm diˈveləpmənt]


  • This exercise is not about system development and it is not a test of your analytical abilities .

    这个练习不是关于 系统的,也不是测试你的分析能力。

  • Product and system development .

    产品和 系统 开发

  • It 's a great way to experiment with file system development without resorting to kernel development .

    这是一种在不借助内核开发的情况下 开发文件 系统的好方法。

  • In accordance with the software engineering ideas and steps for information management system development a graduation thesis management system is designed and developed .

    按照软件工程思想和信息管理 系统 开发步骤,设计并开发了毕业论文管理系统。

  • This advice comes from years of object-oriented system development experience .

    这个建议是通过多年面向对象的 系统 开发经验得到的。

  • Study on Quality Control Strategy and Simulation System Development of UOE Pipe Forming

    UOE焊管成形质量控制的策略研究与仿真 系统 开发

  • Combining knowledge based techniques with real time task management technology a real time expert system development tool NUREST is designed and implemented .

    将专家系统技术和实时控制技术相结合,设计并实现了应用于实时问题求解的实时专家 系统 开发工具NUREST。

  • The use-case technique is an increasingly popular approach to capturing requirements and driving system development .

    用例技术是一种越来越流行的捕获需求和驱动 系统 开发的方法。

  • Reciprocating Compressor CAD System Development and Research

    往复式压缩机CAD 系统 开发与研究

  • Analysis and design of mechanical parts procurement management system for static and dynamic models the completion of system development analysis design and implementation work .

    分析设计了机械零件采购管理系统的静态模型和动态模型,完成了 系统 开发的分析、设计和实现的工作。

  • Important Role of Pumped Storage Power Station in Power System Development of China

    抽水蓄能电站在我国 电力工业 发展中的重要作用

  • As with any software system development business rules systems have a defined life cycle .

    与任何软件 系统 开发一样,业务规则系统具有已定义的生命周期。

  • The outputs of the PBR-UP process can be used by the analysts themselves to guide system development .

    分析师自己可以利用PBR-UP过程的产物来指导 系统 开发

  • The model levels listed in the rows address increasing levels of specificity and detail as system development progresses .

    在行中所列出的模型级别提出了增长的特性级别,并按照 系统 开发进展详细说明。

  • I am familiar with both hardware and software and with hands-on experience in system development including system analysis and design .

    我对硬件和软件都很熟悉,并具有 系统 开发的实际操作经验,包括系统分析和设计。

  • Accountability is the practice of administrative accountability system development and improvement of the social infrastructure .

    问责实践是行政问责 与完美的社会基本。

  • Along with this operating system was the C language for which C was developed and then rewritten to make operating system development portable .

    与这个操作系统一同诞生的是C语言,C语言就是为此而开发的,然后它们使用C语言对操作系统进行了重写,使操作 系统 开发具有可移植性。

  • The first three principles outlined above provide technical guidance for system development teams .

    上面所概述的三个基本原则为 系统 开发团队提供了技术指南。

  • However a project of this kind can downgrade the fast and iterative character of the system development process .

    然而,这种类型的一个项目会降低 系统 开发过程的快速和迭代特性。

  • According to RUP testing is an important part of system development .

    按照RUP,测试是 系统 开发的一个重要部分。

  • Shall that system be contrasted against tradition GIS expounds the strongpoint that on the system development system spreads and system integration and so on .

    阐述了该系统与传统的GIS系统相比,在 系统 开发、系统扩展和系统集成等方面所体现的优点。

  • Then through the analysis of the demand of system to determine the feasibility of the design of system development .

    然后再通过对系统的需求的分析,以确定 系统 开发设计的可行性。

  • By thinking of software and system development as a set of model refinements the transformations between models become first class elements of the development process .

    通过将软件和 系统 开发想象成为一系列的模型细化,模型之间的转换变成了开发过程中的第一类元素。

  • Along with the fluid position process control system development long-distance fluid position monitoring system is needed .

    随着液位过程控制 系统 发展,远程液位监控系统也成为发展所需。

  • An integrated common-sense application of process management and quality improvement to system development and maintenance

    一个用于对 系统 开发和维护进行过程管理和质量提高的集成的、常识性的程序

  • Model-driven approaches to software and system development have been in use for some time .

    软件和 系统 开发的模型驱动方法已经使用了一段时间了。

  • One of his focus areas is integration between various tools across the system development lifecycle .

    他重点关注的领域是跨 系统 开发生命周期的各种工具之间的集成。

  • And compared to other system development methods RUP provides detailed test instructions .

    并且,与其它 系统 开发方法比较,RUP提供了详细的测试指导。

  • Stage three is system development and evaluation which included the programming testing and evaluation of the system .

    第三为 系统 开发与评值阶段,包括进行系统程式撰写、系统测试及评估。

  • Its success is the first step to realize the objectives of the system development . 3 refs .

    新旧系统切换成功,是 系统 开发目标得以实现的第一步。参考文献3。