systemic effect

[sɪˈstɛmɪk ɪˈfɛkt][sisˈtemik iˈfekt]


  • Investigating the combination of production education and scientific research in high and middle agricultural professional school together and considering the systemic effects a synergistic effect of development can be observed .

    高等、中等农业职业院校的产学研结合教育一起加以研究,并放在产学研结合的整个 系统中予以统筹考虑,互相 促进,共同发展是可以的。

  • Liquidity risk is a non-systemic risk often affect only a single financial institution but under special circumstances very easily converted into systemic risk contagion effects and the domino effect thus affecting the entire financial system .

    流动性风险是一种非系统性风险,往往仅影响单个金融机构,但在特殊环境下非常容易转化为 系统 风险,产生传染效应和多米诺 效应,从而波及整个金融体系。

  • Results : There was no potential allergic substance in the chitin short fiber reinforced PCL composite and no hemolytic reaction acute systemic toxicity effect or pyrogen reaction was observed .

    结果:壳聚糖短纤维增强聚己内酯复合材料中不存在致敏性物质,浸提液无溶血反应和急性 全身毒性 反应,无热源反应。

  • Inhaled corticosteroids are one kind of local steroid with minimal systemic side effect and the first line medication choice of therapy for persistent asthma .

    吸入性激素(ICS)是一种局部激素, 全身 作用极小,已成为哮喘长期治疗的一线药物。

  • Conclusion Author thinks that systemic family psychology therapy of functional enuresis has good effect and great merits ( such as good medical efficiency reliability convenience ) .

    结论 系统 家庭心理疗法在功能性遗尿症治疗中具有特殊 作用,是一种方法简便、疗效可靠的治疗方法。

  • Use material case to summarize the development of multinational merger acquisition in the automobile industry in China systemic analyze the incentive 、 pattern and effect of multinational merger acquisition in the automobile industry in China .

    结合大量实证案例总结外资并购在我国汽车产业的发展, 系统分析外资在我国汽车产业并购的动因、模式及 影响

  • Results : no acute systemic toxicity effect was observed on rats the hemolysis index was 1.38 % the cytotoxicity score was one grade and no stimulation effect was observed both on skin and oral mucosal membrane of rabbits .

    结果:玻璃陶瓷对实验小鼠无 全身急性毒性 作用,溶血指数1.38%,细胞生长无明显抑制现象,细胞毒性评分为Ⅰ级,对皮肤和口腔粘膜无刺激作用。

  • Gaucho 70 % with systemic contact and protective effect is a product manufactured by Bayer company in Germany and available in China markets .

    高巧70%干种衣剂是由德国拜耳公司研制并投放中国市场的一种全新化学类别&氯 烟酰胺类的杀虫 种子处理剂。

  • No systemic effect of induced resistance was detected .

    没有发现所 诱导的抗性具有 系统 传导性

  • Applications indicate this software can accomplish systemic reliability evaluation in effect can be used expediently and simply and can be popularized to other evaluation system .

    使用表明该评估软件可准确迅速 有效地进行 系统可靠性评估,使用方便,操作简单,具有较强的可推广性。

  • Objective : To make the management of epidemic prevention and MCH work more standardize systemic and scientific make the work effect has high quality and effect .

    目的:在管理上,使防疫和妇幼保健工作更加规范化、 制度化、标准 、科学化;在工作 效果上,要求高质量、高效益。

  • The reinforcement corrosion is one of the key problems of the concrete durability . The temperature is one of the main effect factors on the reinforcement corrosion in concrete under chloride ion environment there are no systemic experimental researches on temperature effect .

    钢筋腐蚀是钢筋混凝土结构耐久性的关键问题之一,而温度对氯环境下钢筋腐蚀的 影响是其影响因素之一,但缺少 系统的试验 结果

  • The results indicated that the mechanisms of BCG antitumor activity were related to both the local cell mediated immune effect and the systemic immunoenhancement effect .

    实验结果显示,BCG灌注的抗肿瘤活性可能是细胞介导的局部免疫与宿主免疫 系统功能增强的共同 结果

  • The effective ingredient is selected by the systemic impregnant means and the index of relieving hot effect .

    采用 系统溶剂法,以解热 效果为指标,进行了有效部位的筛选。

  • Objective To summarize and analyze the systemic treatment short-term curative effect long-term prognosis of the neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy ( HIE ) and explore the therapy to improve the prognosis .

    目的总结分析我科3年来新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)的 系统治疗方法及相应近期 疗效和远期预后,探讨改善预后的措施。

  • Evaluation model of reliability with Hierarchical structure is established after a thorough and systemic analysis of main factors which has a large effect on structural reliability of highway tunnel .

    通过全面分析 影响隧道衬砌结构可靠性的影响因子,建立了全面、 系统的递阶层次结构可靠性评价模型。

  • Conclusion Carbon-fibre reinforced resin compound had no acute systemic toxic action on animals and haemolysis effect in vitro .

    结论碳纤维增强型树脂基复合材料对动物无 全身毒性作用也无溶血 作用

  • So there is important implication value and academic value to systemic investigation of the effect of the existence of air gap to the flashover voltage along the ice-covered insulators .

    因此, 深入系统的研究空气间隙中的放电活动对绝缘子串闪络电压的 影响有着重要的工程应用价值和学术意义。

  • Beneficial Effect of Bupleurum Polysaccharides on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-like Syndrome and Its Effect on Immune Functions in Mice

    柴胡多糖对 系统 红斑狼疮样综合征的防治 作用及其对小鼠免疫功能的影响

  • And a systemic discussion about the effect of temperature time flow rate of source gas and the technical parameters on the products was carried out .

    同时,讨论了生产炉结构、工艺参数以及 裂解温度、裂解时间和原料气流量对纳米碳管的 影响

  • The result suggested that the immunization with PRRS attenuated vaccine by genital tract may increase the number of antibody-secreting cells in the uterus and that systemic immune had no apparent effect on the number of antibody-secreting cells in the uterus .

    表明用PRRS弱毒苗经生殖道黏膜免疫可增加子宫局部抗体分泌细胞数量,而 全身免疫对子宫抗体分泌细胞无显著 影响

  • Conclusion : TNF - α has systemic effect . It can act on skeletal muscles via the circulatory system and increase the Ub contents to promote protein breakdown of skeletal muscles .

    结论:TNFα具有 全身 效应,能通过循环系统作用于骨骼肌,并通过增加Ub含量促进骨骼肌蛋白质降解。

  • Based on the question without rule and systemic effect some policies about the the service organization and science and technology development finance credit risk investment about achievement transformation have been put forward in the study .

    对于尚还没有明确规定或 缺乏 系统 整体 效应 作用这个问题,本文提出了相应的科技创新中介服务技术开发、成果转化的财政、金融信贷、风险投资等政策制度。

  • Difenoconazole is a kind of broad spectrum and systemic bactericide and has better control effect against many kinds of crops diseases .

    苯醚甲环唑是一种广谱 型杀菌剂,对多种作物的病害有较好防治 效果

  • The contrast experiments of the mufflers with and without airflow are done for the systemic study of the effect of airflow on the sound elimination performance .

    通过在有、无气流两种情况下的 消声性能试验,研究了气流速度对消声性能的 影响

  • No serious systemic side effect was observed .

    观察期间未发现严重 全身作用

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of psychological counseling with systemic and professional methods on anxiety analgesic effect and prolactin in women undergoing cesarean section .

    目的:通过对剖宫产产妇进行 系统专业的心理咨询,探讨心理咨询对剖宫产产妇焦虑、 镇痛及泌乳素的影响。

  • But most of researches emphasis on the outcomes than the process of peer pressure and there is few systemic and comprehensive researches referring this important effect on adolescents .

    但是,大部分的研究关注的是同伴压力的结果而非过程,而且很少有研究 系统地全面地对这一 影响青少年的重要力量进行分析。

  • Regional arterial chemotherapy was superior to systemic chemotherapy . Effect of regional arterial perfusion on advanced breast cancer

    区域 动脉灌注 化疗对晚期乳腺癌组织的 影响