


  • Synroc samples containing waste oxide mass fraction 11.5 % and Na 2O 5.0 % show very good chemical durability and physical properties .

    制备的含废物氧化物质量分数11.5%、 Na2O5.0% 人造 岩石 固化 具有很好的物理稳定性、化学稳定性和对不同废物 容量 适应能力。

  • Cement solidification bitumen solidification and plastic solidification are fit to dispose low and intermediate level radioactive waste . Glass solidification and synroc solidification are fit to dispose high level radioactive waste .

    水泥固化、沥青固化、塑料固化适用于中低放废物的固化处理,玻璃固化和 人造 岩石 固化适用于高放废物的 固化处理。

  • The results of mass loss rate showed that pyrochlore-rich synroc had a low mass loss rate with better durability .

    样品质量损失率分析显示,富烧 绿石样品在五 模拟地质介质中仍 保持较低的浸出率, 显现良好化学稳定性。

  • Study on Leaching Behaviors of Pyrochlore-rich Synroc Under Simulated Disposal Conditions

    富烧 绿石在模拟处置条件下的浸出行为研究

  • This paper analyses and discussed solidification theories status of solidification research and application application field advantage and disadvantage of cement solidification bitumen solidification plastic solidification glass solidification and synroc solidification quite systematically .

    对水泥固化、沥青固化、塑料固化、玻璃固化、 人造 岩石 固化5 固化 处理方法的固化机理、研究现状、应用情况、适用领域及优缺点进行了较系统的分析探讨。

  • The leaching behavior of HLW-glass and pyrochlore-rich synroc under multi-barrier media was respectively studied .

    本文对玻璃固化体和富烧 绿石人造 岩石在多种地质处置介质条件下的浸出行为进行了研究。

  • Synroc phase assemblage accords with the target design .

    固化 相组合与目标设计 相一致, 固化体中 相较

  • Solid Waste Disposal Pyrochlore-rich Synroc for Immobilization of Actinides

    富烧 绿石 人造 岩石固化模拟锕系废物

  • Immobilization of Simulated ~( 137 ) Cs ~( 90 ) Sr Nuclide Waste in Synroc

    人造 岩石 固化模拟~(90)Sr,~(137)Cs核素废物研究

  • Zirconolite ( CaZrTi_2O_7 ) and sphene ( CaTiSiO_5 ) are considered as perfect host materials for Synroc immobilization of radioactive waste .

    钙钛锆石(CaZrTi2O7)和榍石( CaTiSiO5)是 人造 岩石 固化放射性废物理想的介质材料。