take the lead

[tek ði lid][teik ðə li:d]

牵头一马当先占主要地位, 领先, 带头打头

  • Take the lead or initiative in ; participate in the development of .

    带头 作用;参与发展。

  • We will continue to be vigilant and to take the lead on all aspects of tobacco control .

    我们将继续保持警惕并在烟草控制的各个方面 发挥 带头 作用

  • If our senior cadres take the lead the problem will be easier to solve .

    只要高级干部 带头,这个事情就好办了。

  • There is no need for the government to take the lead in merging banks .

    李明博称:政府没有必要 牵头进行银行合并。

  • Thirdly major economies should take the lead in carrying out practical cooperation .

    第三, 在开展务实合作方面 发挥 带头 作用。资金和技术是应对气候变化合作 关键环节,也是现实薄弱环节。

  • Being Party members we should take the lead in everything .

    因为我们是党员,所以凡事我们都应该 带头

  • Active fiscal policy will soon take the lead in stimulating the economy .

    积极财政政策很快将在刺激经济方面 发挥 带头 作用

  • This is clearly not a decision in which the ECB wants to or should take the lead .

    这样的决策显然不是欧洲央行想要或应该 带头做出的。

  • As a league member I 'll take the lead .

    做为一个团员,我应该 带头

  • Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead .

    莎伦·怀尔德健步如飞,跑在 前面

  • They invariably take the lead in battles against floods .

    在抗洪斗争中,他们总是 带头的。

  • Climate change would be a natural starting point and China should take the lead .

    应对气候变化就将可以成为美中合作的一个自然起点,而且中国应该 率先 行动

  • If we have got a problem it is of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities .

    如果我们遇到了问题,这些问题也是由于我们自己的所作所为和不愿意在一些重大的改进活动中 承担 领导 角色造成的。

  • India should take the lead role and responsibility for making healthcare affordable to all .

    印度应该 让人人负担得起卫生保健方面 担任 带头的角色和责任。

  • The US could take the lead in global co-operation to ensure the rich pay taxes .

    美国可以在全球合作中 发挥 带头 作用,确保富人纳税。

  • I have asked Alan Lim to take the lead of the newly formed East and Central region .

    AlanLim 领导新组成的东部和中部区域,新区域将被命名为中区。

  • Now everybody sing ! I 'll take the lead .

    现在大家唱歌,我 起头

  • The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear .

    团部命令二连 担任 先头部队,四连殿后。

  • And that 's why the G20 will take the lead in building a new approach to cooperation .

    因此,G20将 带头制定一种新的合作方法。

  • The US and China can take the lead .

    美国和中国可以 表率

  • The main difference from 1948 is that the EU should take the lead .

    现在与1948年的主要区别在于欧盟应 带头 作用

  • He urged the government to take the lead in providing better social support for those at risk .

    他力劝政府 带头为那些处境危险 人提供更好的社会支持。

  • But perhaps I should take the lead .

    但也许该我 带路

  • It 's up to someone to take the lead in condemning these injustices .

    这要靠有人来 率先谴责这些不公正的行为。

  • Responsible cadres at various levels must take the lead and study well .

    各级负责干部要 带头学好。

  • We can be partners but ultimately you have to take the lead .

    我们可以是合作伙伴,但最终 你们来 引领

  • Beijing and Hunan take the lead in building constitutions of middle and primary schools according to the provision .

    北京市、湖南省 率先按此要求开展了中小学校章程建设工作。

  • This can be easily arranged if you will take the lead .

    只要你来 个头,这件事就好办了。

  • Although a global solution to global warming is required developed countries need to take the lead .

    尽管全球性解决全球气候变暖是必须的,发达国家必须 带头

  • Normally a planner Trammell was persuaded to let him take the lead .

    通常情况下,规划师Trammell要被说服让他 带头