


  • He was such a fast talker that nobody could understand him .

    讲话 快,没有人能听懂。

  • A good listener is welcomed much more than a good talker at any time .

    一个好的聆听着在任何时候都比一个好的 谈话 更受欢迎。

  • She is a good talker .

    她是一个很 说话

  • You 're a good talker .

    你是个很棒的 演说者

  • You have to hand it to her ; she 's a good talker .

    你必须 看到她的优点,她很 健谈

  • What a talker that woman is !

    那女人 健谈

  • He 's a doer not a talker .

    他是实干家,不是 空谈

  • You have to hand it to him he is a good talker .

    你们要赞扬他,他是一个优秀的 演说家

  • A glib talker salesman etc plausible glib talk ( especially useful to a salesperson ) .

    油嘴滑舌的 谈话 、推销员等油嘴滑舌的游说(尤其是对售货员有用)。

  • Are You a Predictable Talker ?

    你是一个 没有想象力的 谈话 吗?

  • I was not a talker when I met your dad .

    在碰到你们爸爸时我 不善 言辞

  • A great Talker may be no Fool but he is one that relies on him .

    一个 讲话 滔滔不绝 可能不是傻瓜,但是他可能依靠这种愚蠢 行为 赢得听众。

  • You don 't have to hand it to him something the talker doing isn 't above board .

    你们不用佩服这个 演说家,他做的一些事情不够光明正大。

  • I guess he is a smooth talker !

    我想他一定是 嘴巴

  • Vivian : you are a sweet talker .

    维维安:你是个 口甜

  • In society he was a notable talker .

    在交际场中他是个著名的 健谈

  • Because you are a smooth talker .

    因为你是一个 耍嘴皮子

  • There is only one rule for a good talker : learn to listen .

    要成为一个好的 说话人,只有一条规则:学会听。

  • You 're a clever talker and he 'll listen to you if you try to persuade him .


  • He is a terrible talker ( or newsmonger ) .

    他可真 饶舌

  • She 's a doer not just a thinker or a talker .

    她是行动家,不只是思想家, 言论

  • I believe she would transform me into a talker .

    我相信,她会把我这个 沉默寡言 变成个 碎嘴子

  • He is a great talker !

    他是一个 健谈

  • She is a witty talker .

    说话很有 风趣

  • He is very much at ease in life and is a good talker .

    他生活很洒脱,是个很 健谈

  • He was not a great talker but he was quite a mild affable sort of man .

    他不喜欢多 说话,但同时,确是个温柔可亲的人物。

  • He is a great talker .

    他是一个非常 健谈

  • That man is no talker but when he does say anything he invariably hits the mark .

    夫人不言, 言必有中