take the evidence

[tek ði ˈɛvɪdəns][teik ðə ˈevidəns]

取证[法] 保全证据

  • But also take some confidence from the evidence thus far : the world economy may be able to cope without American shoppers .

    但是迄今 这些 现象 了一些信心:世界经济也许可以应付没有美国购物者了。

  • Secondly it studies the legislation mode of electronic evidence law in our country by referring to that in foreign countries which emphasizes that we must take the present law system into consideration while legislating the electronic evidence law avoiding advanced legislation .

    其次,在借鉴国外电子证据立法模式的基础上对我国电子证据立法模式选择进行研究,并强调应 按照现有的法律环境不能过分对电子 证据进行超前的立法。

  • But when we did see that we shot down a plane we immediately sent a gun mechanic on a Willys to the spot of the crash to take the factory plate as material evidence .

    但是当我们看到击落敌机的时候,就会马上派出火炮机械师乘坐威利斯吉普赶往坠机地点, 取回敌机残骸上的零部件作为 证据

  • As the safe situation of network is rigorous it is of great significance to take the evidence through computer .

    在目前的网络安全形势严峻的情况下,实施并推广计算机 取证具有十分重要的意义。

  • The so-called full attention to the victims of criminal fault is to take the initiative in the investigation and evidence collection phase of the case concerns whether the fault of the victim pay attention to timely collection of relevant evidence .

    所谓充分关注刑事被害人过错,是指在调查 取证阶段 主动关注案件中被害人是否具有过错,要注意及时收集相关证据。

  • Yu Myung-hwan the foreign minister has said South Korea would take the matter to the UN Security Council for additional sanctions if there were hard evidence that North Korea was involved .

    外交部长柳明桓已经表示,如果掌握了关于朝鲜牵连此事的有力 证据,韩国将会 此事递交联合国安理会以求对朝鲜更多的制裁。

  • Take some risks but only after you have done the analysis and assessed the evidence .

    一下险,但只能在你完成分析和评估 论据后。

  • We need to take all the evidence into consideration .

    我们需要 考虑所有 证据

  • At the background of the adversary system common law countries usually take a realistic prospect of conviction as the evidence standard of prosecution while the countries of Continent Legal System at the background of inquisitorial system take sufficient evidence to prove allegations instead .

    采用当事人主义诉讼模式的英美法系国家一般 采取预期可予定罪的公诉 证据标准;而采用职权主义诉讼模式的大陆法系国家一般采取足够证据证明控诉或犯罪嫌疑的公诉证据标准。

  • Obviously we will take into consideration the evidence of the police officer seeing a motor vehicle on the crossing and making no attempt to leave .

    显然,我们会 认真考虑那位不当班的警察 证言

  • Investors also take heart from the historical evidence that waves of pessimism like this have proved to be a good time to buy stocks .

    投资者还 谨记 历史教训: 事实证明,当一波波的这种悲观情绪来袭时,正是买进股票的大好时机。

  • I told him that he should take a look at the evidence .

    我告诉他,他因该看 一下 证据

  • If the computer forensics is adopted to organize the manpower to investigate and take the evidence and to search for confirmation and precede indictment this crime can be from the root eradicated completely .

    如果采用电脑辨析学方法,组织各方面人力进行调查 取证,搜寻确认罪犯和犯罪事实并进行起诉,就可以从根本上杜绝这类犯罪。

  • In looking for ways to get beyond this impasse we can take lessons not just from the evidence set out in the report but also from history .

    在设法摆脱困境时,我们不仅 可以借鉴报告所列 证据,而且可以总结历史经验教训。

  • In our country we should take especially cautious attitude to regulate the evidence rules in narrow sense except that the law of procedure and of evidence could regulate principles of the free evidence evaluation and the evidence judgment .

    我国除了诉讼法或证据法宜明确规定自由心证和证据裁判原则外,对狭义上 证据规则 规定宜 采取特别谨慎的态度,至少一是应强调法官自由裁量原则;

  • The answer of the first question can clarify that corporate social responsibility means who should be responsible to whom what responsibility it should take and why it should be responsible for that the answer itself can provide the theory evidence to corporate social responsibility management practices .

    对第一个问题的回答,将从本源上理清企业社会责任是谁对谁负责,负什么责,为什么要 负责,为企业社会责任的管理实践提供理论 依据

  • Face some serious administrative violations and conventional means of investigation can not take the case of evidence can effectively fight the temptation to investigate violations .

    面对一些严重的行政违法行为,并且在 采取常规的调查手段无法 取证 情况下,诱惑调查可以有效地打击违法行为。

  • Prove standards should take the evidence property as their basis and clear case facts as their objective foundation .

    刑事裁判证明的标准为裁判者具体裁判案件提供主客观 衡量准则, 证据属性为基础,以案件事实清楚为客观依据。

  • The persons concerning with evident-exchanging should take responsibility for the unfavourable consequence like the invalidity of evidence .

    证据交换当事人应 承担 证据失权等不利的法律后果。

  • So we must take measures to make up the three deficiencies in order to secure the testimonial power of fingerprint evidence .

    因此,必须 采取措施,填补三阶段的漏洞,保证手印 证据的证明力。

  • At the same time deterioration can also take place rapidly as the evidence by these worldwide governance indicators also shows .

    与此同时,这些世界指标也 表明,恶化的情形发展速度也 快。

  • The structural frequency could be acquired easily so it was simple and reliable to take it as the evidence for damage location and damage degree evaluation .

    结构频率是较易测得的结构模态参数,据此作为损伤定位和损伤程度评估 依据简单可靠, 具有较高的应用价值。

  • U · S · A and U · K take the similar action as evidence with caution but they agree with similar action could be taken as evidence on certain condition .

    英、美等 国家 相似行为作为 证据使用 谨慎的态度,只有在符合一定条件下,相似行为才可作为证据使用。

  • Either the common law countries or the civil law countries take a tolerance to the applicability of the slight defective evidence although the level of tolerance is different .

    无论是英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家,对于刑事 诉讼中瑕疵 证据 适用 存在宽容的态度,尽管宽容的程度有所差异。

  • It is first suggested that hospitals where auditing has been started in accordance with the new circumstances take the following measures : ① setting the control range so as to provide criteria and evidence for self checking ;

    笔者首先 医院适应新形势,开展审计工作应:①制定控制范围,为自查提供标准和 依据

  • The author take the mansion China company as the example the evidence color television enterprise 's development has still had to walk turns over to the coring path .

    笔者 厦华公司为例, 佐证了彩电企业的发展仍须走归核化道路。

  • However the evidence as an objective fact of the existence of material will not take the initiative in the litigation activities to be used it will inevitably call for evidence in connection with the case related to an investigation and collection process .

    但是,证据作为一种客观存在的事实材料,不会 主动出现在诉讼活动中,要想加以利用,就必然要求对与案件相关之 证据有一个调查和收集的过程。

  • In order to give a effective and timely protection to public interest the construction of public interest litigation in macroeconomic regulation should take the focus on litigants system evidence system judgment system and so on .

    宏观调控公益诉讼的构建 主要从当事人制度、 证据制度、裁判制度等几个方面着手,以强化公益的有效、及时保护。

  • Objective : To take the effective information and the evidence of intervention and prevention and explore the characteristics of the male homosexuality and their status of STD / HIV infection in Shenzhen .

    目的:了解深圳市男同性恋的行为特征及性病(STD)和艾滋病病毒(HIV)的感染状况,为 实施有效的干预措施和制定预防控制 对策提供信息和 依据