take the consequences


  • Moreover they will take place while farmers also wrestle with the consequences of climate change which on balance will do more harm than good to farmland round the world .

    此外, 发生这些问题的当下,农民同时也在跟气候变化 后果做斗争,总之,对全世界的农田来说弊大于利。

  • Be ready to take / suffer / bear the consequences of one 's actions

    准备 承担自己行动 后果

  • Have you ever thought when we irresponsible people to take us to the consequences of causing trouble others have very painful ?

    你可曾想过,当我们不负责任的要别人去 承担我们无理取闹 后果时,别人有多么痛苦?

  • Our party and state will take into account all the possible consequences of the Chinese-American contacts .

    我们的党和国家将会 考虑中美接触 一切可能的 后果

  • The joint and several liability refers to a liability that each of the subjects of liability must take all of the mandatory legal consequences for breaking the law .

    民事连带责任是指多数责任主体中的任何一人均须 承担违反法律义务 全部强制性法律 后果的责任。

  • Expectations through the insurance system and social relief system to eliminate those who would take to the negative consequences of damage to a stable social order based on the maximum protection of the interests of victims .

    期望通过保险制度以及社会救济制度来消除那些会 带来消极 后果的损害,以期在稳定社会秩序的基础上最大程度地保障受害人利益。

  • If Party B fails to perform its duties due to the improper act of Party A Party A shall take the consequences .

    因甲方的不正当之行为造成乙方不能履行职责的, 后果由甲方 自负

  • You made the wrong decision you must take the consequences .

    你做了这个错误的决定,现在必须 承担 后果

  • Unsuitable treatment as adopted by an enter-prise will take the consequences of losing a law suit .

    企业不适当的处理往往导致不良 后果,设置要 承担败诉的苦果。

  • Even countries that managed their economies well did not purchase toxic assets and did not take excessive financial risks will suffer the consequences .

    即使经济管理良好、并未购买有毒资产而且也未 金融领域铤而走险的国家也将蒙受 损失

  • Otherwise we shall consider ourselves no longer bound by the S / C and you shall take the consequences .

    否则,我方将不再受此售货确认书的约束, 后果由贵方 自负

  • We however have to act in a continuing society and it would be immoral for us not to take into account the probable consequences of our actions .

    但是,我们必须在延续的社会中采取行动,如果不 我们行动 可能 后果加以 考虑,那就会是不道德的。

  • It is true that as the world shifts away from high-carbon energy the oil gas and coal companies will become less attractive investments but shareholders can take their own views about the timing and consequences of that transition .

    没错,世界在逐步改用高碳能源以外的能源,这会使得石油、天然气和煤炭企业的投资吸引力下降,但持股人对这种转变 时机和 后果可以 拥有自己的看法。

  • In this background life ethics shall also be confronted with crises and therefore human beings must take appropriate countermeasures to reduce the negative consequences that are brought by clone technique when they are making use of such technique to make human progress towards the development of mankind .

    在此背景下,生命伦理学也将面临危机,人类在发展利用谊技术推动人类进步的同时,必须 采取相应对策以降低这一技术所带来的消极 后果

  • If you don 't pay your bills you 'll have to take the consequences .

    你如果不把账给付了,就得 承担 一切 后果

  • He will have to take the consequences if he doesn 't apologize .

    如果他不道歉, 一切 后果承担

  • It relates to the second requirement which is a willingness to take responsibility for the consequences .

    而这又与第二个前提息息相关,那就是愿意为 一切 后果 承担责任。

  • If the rest of Europe is united behind this proposal and the Bundestag rejects it Germany must take full responsibility for the financial and political consequences .

    若欧盟其他国家全都支持成立EFA而德国联邦议院表示反对,那么德国 必须对 由此 造成 金融和政治 后果 全部责任。

  • He will have to pay for his carelessness . If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences .

    他将不得不为他的粗心而自食其果。如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备 自食其果

  • Otherwise Party B shall take full responsibilities for the consequences arising from .

    否则, 一切 后果由乙方自行 承担

  • If you will experiment with soft drugs you must take the consequences .

    如果你要试用温性麻醉药品,你必须 承担 后果

  • I warned you men that if you continue trespassing I 'll release this dog and you can take the consequences .

    我警告过你们这些人,如果你们继续侵犯,我就要放狗了,届时 后果 自负

  • I 'm obliged to take you back to face the consequences of your acts .

    我有责任 你回去,去面对你做 事情

  • Bt-game do not cross the line take off the consequences would be unthinkable oh let alone not remind you .

    超bt的游戏,千万不要越线 起跳后果不堪设想哦,别说没提醒你。

  • If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences .

    如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备 自食其果

  • If one does not conform to the law one must take the consequences .

    谁不守法就应该 承担 后果

  • We 'll take measures to fence off the consequences of a severe earthquake .

    我们将 采取措施排除强烈地震 后果

  • If he had determined to persecute her he must take the consequences .

    他那时如果胆敢来逼迫她,一定 自食 恶果